Epoch 🎐 48

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Titania could not help feeling uncomfortable as Egan squeezed into the bed with her more and more.

'What is this old man getting at!?' She frowned inwardly but did not dare to show any of her disatisfaction on her face.

With a weak and amorous face, she turned to the old guy and asked in a sugery sweet tone, "Where were you headed off to in such rage?" Her eyes blinking innocence, as if she was not aware of his murderous intensions at all.

"....Was going out to extract some revenge." Was his taut answer.

The corner off Titania's lips twitched hard. Oh! What was wrong with her? What else was she expecting from this human-skinned fiend.

Tania scolded Egan a thousand times in her heart, but on the outside, she was this amorous love-brain who only knew how to love her Egan.

"Egan~(Sniff!) I know you love me so much and you want to go avenge those who did me wrong, but I don't want to see my clansman die_" and she stopped dead mid sentence, 'cause she felt the sudden surge of a violent cold aura wrap around her. She knew she just landed on a landmine, and desperately corrected her speech, "Egan~ even if some of the people in the Draiocht tower were hostile to me, but many of the others are my friends and elders. They sheltered me when I had nowhere to go, and I could only live to see this day with you because of them. So, I don't want you to punish and hurt the innocent people in the Draiocht tower."

Her croquettish speech finally calmed the moody old dragon down, and Tania silently breathed a sigh of relief.

"....But did you not say that no one in your tower was kind to you and you had no friends?" Eganius Cline lazily started asking his deadly questions.

Titania, '...Its over.'

"Ah! Ahahaha... did I just say that? I think you are mistaken? I grew up in the Draiocht tower, who in the world would not even have one friend, hahaha! Trust me, I won't lie to you. There are really people who are dear to me there, so please Egan, don't hurt them okay?" Titania muttered in a begging tone, blinking her big red eyes at Eganius Cline, trying to arouse his pity for her as much as possible.

Egan was silent for a long while, and when Tania thought that if he really was not willing to listen to her begging, she had to do something more drastic to make him agree to her plea, he suddenly mouthed in a low tone, "....Hmm..."

Titania was dumbfounded for a while, wondering if she had heard it right. Did this old man really aquaised to her plea. But then, looking at the leisurely person lying next to her like he was half paralyzed, she felt if everything that she had recently experienced was really her reality or was her mind just playing tricks on her. The man who looked like he was as lazy as a sloth was staring back at her with deep deep eyes, and Titania was once more forced to marvel at the silent beauty of this ghostly man; like a polished jade, a smooth porcelain, as though carved out of marble, perfection in all its glory. A bit scary but at the same time too fascinating. A wicked beauty.

Eganius Cline eyed down the little liar who was staring back at him in a dazed manner and thought, 'The mouth of this deceitful ghost is really too sweet nowadays(Sigh!)'

Even though Egan hated lies and deceits the most, he still loved to listen to the sweet lies from the mouth of his little lover. It was like an addiction to him. Most of the time, he knew she was just sprouting nonsense to appease him, but her nonsense was so amusing to him that he could keep listening to her talk and rave all night long. Egan was well aware of her dislike and rejection of her mage tower but now, when she changed her tone and was urging him to not destroy her mage tower so desperately he did not want to pierce through her web of lies and thought, 'Well, it's what the little girl wants, since she does not wants me to take revenge for her sake, I will satisfy her wishes. Later, I can just teach her to take revenge with her own hands and let her use those scum of her mage tower as toys to pass her boredom.'

If Titania knew what Egan was thinking of right now, she would kowtow to this old fiend and let him go to destroy the draiocht tower right away.

Egan squeezed her face into an 'O' shape and made it a shape that he liked to look at, and said in an unhurried tone, "Come on, open your mouth and let me see your teeth."

Titania, "!!???"

'Bro, are you being serious?' She was still staring at Egan in a dazed manner, but her mind was in a mess.

Seeing her not opening her mouth, Eganius Cline frowned, "Still not opening?"

'Mommy! This guy is batshit crazy!'

Titania was forced to open her mouth to show her pearly teeth to Egan who was curious about the kind of teeth his Nia had whose grinding managed to keep the great Eganius Cline awake for many nights.

In an orderly manner, the man inspected Titania's little teeth and commented in a dull demeanor, "Tsk! These naughty things! Have really managed to keep me awake for many nights."

Titania, "........?!!!!!"

This... This crazy old pervert! What the hell was he sprouting out!

Titania couldn't wrap her mind over the words Egan just spat out. Good guy! Are you sick in the head?

Titania cursed Egan a thousand times in her heart while Commander Waldron, who stood guard at the door of his Lord's bedroom, had a red face of embarrassment. Much like the buttocks of an orangutan.

Commander Waldron, 'Who am I? Where am I? What did I just hear?'

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