Epoch 🎐 3

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Tania could blabber on the communication key all day long, and even treated it like a hole meant to throw all the dirty water.

For several months, she talked from her daily life to gossips revolving magic and her senior disciples' love affairs; from gossip to philosophy of life, and then from philosophy to the brilliant wild flower by the roadside. She didn't spare even the early birth of the tadpoles of the pet frog of her mage professor.

There were even "I'm going to eat", "I'm going to practice magic", "I'm going to have a cup of tea and then continue talking", such nonsense was an endless occurrence.

Occasionally she will boast--

"Let me tell you, I've been amazing recently. I met a man-eating monster today. I, a woman who has never used a wand before, snatched away my senior brother's magic staff and killed that monster before anyone had even had the chance to react!"

"Do you think I am more talented in using attack spells? But I am also very good at alchemy. Oh, I'm so entangled now. Maybe I should consider learning both?"

"Maybe the first female mage who can practice both magic and perform alchemy has finally appeared in the history of this mage town! Ho Ho Ho!"

"But I accidentally burnt my favorite pouch and all the money in it when I was casting the spell and I had finally saved up some wealth (sniff), so I don't want to be an attack type mage anymore."

Young juvenile boss brother: "......"

She really talks a lot. Whenever she is free, she would sit by the lake holding the communication key and talk all the time, and treat the younger brother on the call as her BFF and babble about all of her woes and happiness.

Eventually, the little juvenile brother started to care about her.

At the beginning, he asked her to shut up impatiently from time to time, then occasionally said a sentence or two later on, and then gradually established a romantic relationship with her. And finally, he often took the initiative to say 'good night' to her.

The little juvenile brother had said that his name was Egan.

Tania: Wow. The little brother has such a cool name! He must be a really renowned mage.

Suddenly, Tania wanted to play little tricks on the guy as she wanted to see where his bottom line laid.

Hence, she stubbornly lied to him, declaring that she was actually a witch from one of the wizarding towers.

In this world, the human realm was divided into two factions. The wizards and the mages. The mages practiced light magic while the wizards practiced dark magic. They were two sides of a coin, never to be mixed together. They were like completely two different species, and hence, tussles between the two were a common occurrence.

Intimacy and interaction between wizards and mages were an event once in a blue moon. Mostly, they liked to steer clear of each other, or they were at each other's throats whenever they met. So, saying that she was a witch while knowing that the little juvenile brother was a mage was really going a bit too far just to test him.

The other party fell silent for a moment, and said slowly: "It's okay. As long as it's you, it's okay."

Tania was so touched that she fell mum. She thought, 'Ah Ah Ah! He really likes me so much! I have really really decided to fall in love with him for an eternity.'

After confirming the relationship with her little brother and after being in a relationship with him for a whole year, Tania knew that Egan was very busy on weekdays, but she still shared her days and emotions with him daily. Occasionally, when she encountered difficulties in her castings, Egan would also teach her secret methods that the elders had never taught.

"You don't need to listen to others' guidance. With me, there is nothing difficult in magic casting." Egan said and when he heard her giggle, he asked, "What are you happy about all of a sudden?"

Tania smiled and said, "Hehe! Egan taught me how to cast spells more easily. Now I will definitely be able to pass the third-tier casting test tomorrow!"

The young man over the other side of the communicational key smiled and said, "Well what happens if you fail your test?"

"Huh?" Tania was a little puzzled, but then slowly muttered: "Well, then I will be punished."

"Who dares to punish you?"

Tania muttered aggrievedly, "My elder! Don't you know, our elders are extremely strict. If anyone doesn't do well, no one can eat dinner for that day. I couldn't have enough to eat before I met you."

Egan's voice suddenly became chilling, and he coldly snorted, "In the future, you will never go a day with an empty stomach, and I will starve everyone to death if you are not full."

Tania: Wow, he is so domineering. I like it!

Tania was touched but she felt that Egan was just giving lip service. After all, in his eyes, she was just a little nameless witch, and he couldn't even figure out from which wizard tower she was from. What's more, her elders were so powerful, how could he beat any of them?

But she also became more certain that Egan must be an extremely hardworking and extremely high-status person.

However, in the past few days, one didn't know what was going on, Egan stopped replying to any of her calls. In the few days he was absent, Tania was bored by herself, and also very unlucky.

She was framed by her seniors and punished here to clean up the fallen leaves off the mountain road for a whole day today. She was cold, hungry and sleepy, but she was still not let off.

The unluckier she was, the more she missed her little lover.

So, as soon as she heard the familiar juvenile voice, Tania sniffed aggrievedly, "You have disappeared for three days."

Egan was silent for a moment, and then said in a warm tone, "I've been a little busy these days, I'm sorry I couldn't get in touch."

At this moment, the cold wind suddenly picked up, scattering off all the gathered dead leaves on the ground, and the rain started harshly slapping on her face.

Under this cold rain, Titania squatted down and put her arms around herself, suddenly sneezing loudly.

"Are you sick?" Egan's tone suddenly turned chilly, as if to mirror his foul mood.

To be Continued.........



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