Epoch 🎐 2

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Originally, Tania was not a very forgiving person. She loved to hold grudges and was aggrieved at every little turn, but in this place, where she hardly had a handful of friends and no elders who would take care of her, even if she was aggrieved, who would even care for the little ol' her. So, as time passed her by, she became more tolerant about everything and she is too lazy to lose her temper at people who didn't matter to her. As long as she had food and clothing, she could endure a little harmless bullying.

In addition, she had a secret. A secret she could never let anyone know.

"Nia, I'm back."

A cold young voice reverberated out of the old key she was wearing around her neck, breaking the eerie silence around her.

This juvenile voice was Titania's biggest secret in this life.

A year ago, Titania was punished by one of the tower elders to clean up the attic of the Draíocht tower, while cleaning, she found a strange rusty key which stood at odds with the rest of the magic items in the attic. She curiously picked it up to take a look and blew the dust off the key a few times when suddenly a blinding light surrounded her and she heard a mellow deep voice coming out of that old key that didn't look like it would fit any lock in this world.

She was startled stiff and almost dropped the key in fright, but the voice from the key which seemed to belong to a juvenile teen was so magnetic, an auditory caramel to her ears, that it had her stunned for a long while. In a voice whose vibrations almost shook her soul, it asked in a silky savory tone, "How did you find my communication key?"

And that's when Tania thought, 'It's over. I'm in love.'

Holding the rusty old key in her little hands, Tania's mind quickly made up a young beautiful male with deep magical roots in his bones, and fluttering clothes, cold and aloof like a flower on a high ridge, standing above the clouds, and conversing with her in an indifferent demeanor.

At that moment she thought, 'Let's hook him. Kidnap him and make him fall in love with her.'

The young people of the modern world are free to fall in love with anyone, and Tania came from such a free happy-go-lucky world, so of course she must boldly pursue what she likes! How can one know that she is not suitable for him if she doesn't even try! Not to mention that the competition is too fierce in this medieval world as well, the slightly more attractive mages have already been taken off the market by the female seniors. Hence, of course she has to fight for her first love boldly!

And it's also great that her first love was separated by a communication key, much like an online lover of the modern times, so its all low risk and low cost, there is no consequences even if she were to go a bit overboard. How great is it!

Although she could never meet him, but in the fantasy world, just chatting with the owner of such a voice is an excellent enjoyment.

Thus, Tania replied decisively: "Hello fellow mage, I found it while cleaning the attic of our mage tower, do you want to take it back?"

The other party's voice was still a taciturn cold, "There's no need."

However, Tania was not going to let this rare chance go just like that, "Meeting is also a kind of fate, my nickname is Tania, you can call me Nia. Fellow mage, may I know your name? Which magic tower are you afflicted with?"

The other party ignored all of her inquisitive ranting and hung up the call directly.

Tania: Wow! So cold, I like it.

Tania originally thought that this strategy was a failure as he chose to wordlessly hang up on her, but who knew that occasionally she could hear the movement from the other side, which means that the little brother from the other side still had the other half of the communication key with him and had not cut off the contact with her.

Now there was nothing stopping Tania from pursuing her online love, she went all out in order to pull the cold little brother down from his high altar. She started chatting with him every day, starting from the "Good Morning" and "Good Night" and continued to check in on him, even willing to become a shameless scumbag to make him fall in love with her.

But alas! It didn’t work.

The beautiful voiced little brother had a cold personality, so it was not easy to get along with him. He had a vicious tongue and often thought that she is noisy and ignored her entire existence. Occasionally, she would even hear a faint sneer, a voice mixed with deep disdain and mockery, it was simply contempt for her from the bones.

If it was someone else, I am afraid that they would be ashamed and embarrassed to hell and back.

But Tania: Wow, this little brother sounds so cool and aloof! He must be a high-level mage with super powerful aura.

She was even more motivated now, even if she can't get him to like her, it was still fun to listen to the little brother's unhappy hum every day! What's more, she was particularly curious whether this boss little brother was powerful enough to kill with a wave of his hand. Tania had never casted a spell higher than a second tier but it did not discourage her from wanting to see the beautiful little brother play handsome with a magic staff and glittering fifth tier magic.

Maybe it was a little bit of a twisted desire and a lot of imagination when it came to her online love target, but Tania couldn't stand her boredom.

And once a person is bored, all kind of unthinkable things can be done.

TO BE CONTINUED...........

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