Epoch 🎐 30

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Titania almost had cold shivers run down her spines when she heard the velvety soft voice that had her once awake for nights in a go.

One's fears can be triggered by real threats and by memories of threats. Humans find it challenging to unlearn these fears. And so, what Titania felt at that very moment was utter raw instinctive fear. But since she did not want to give into her worst of nightmares, she choose the denial method. 

‘No No! It’s impossible. It can’t be. It can’t be Him. You must be imagining it Tania. You must be.’ Titania knew she could never mistake this voice with which she had once fell erevocably in love with, yet she still could not help but incescently chant inside of her head as she sat petrified to her spot, looking much like an imovable dumb statue rather than a live person.

She almost felt like she was hypnotizing herself with adamant words just so she did not have to recognize the dire situation she had put herself into. Titania would rather be in denial than admit that the divine obsidian dragon in front of her might be the obsessive abusive lover she was trying so very hard to get away from all this while.

“.... Hey! Are you listening?” The dragon asked with a grimace when he noticed Titania dazed as if she had just lost her soul.

“Huh?... Ah! Y-Yes yes. P-Please continue(Gulp!).” Titania could not help but bow her head as low as she could since she was too frightened to lift her face up at the moment. 

The dragon in turn, knitted its brows with scrutiny for a moment, but still continued with his explanation. 

Poor Titania had zoned out for the most of the interpretation but she still somehow managed to catch up with the vital info. 

And soon, she started to concoct a new set of pills. The dragon had allowed her to use the spiritual healing water of the spring and damningly so, she scooped up a little and after wiping away the psychological sweat from the top of her temples, she got busy refining a new batch of the golden miracle drugs. 

Titania thought, if this dragon in front of her was really Egan, then there would be no way for her to escape anywhere if he were to recognize her. But she still had a sliver of hope that this guy was either not Eganius Cline or if he really was the said-Eganius Cline, then he had yet to recognize her. So all Tania wanted now was to quickly make the promised golden pills for this great ancestor and then make a run for the hills ASAP.

However, reality was often more disappointing than fiction. How could a little green alchemist like Titania be able to concoct the most miraculous golden raring pills with the wave of a hand? 

She sat by the side of the spring from a day to the night and a night to the day, but was still very unsuccessful in refining the pills. 

After drinking a few sips of the healing spring water, she fell to the ground in a winding fashion, exhausted and out of breath.  

“What was that about you being a great alchemist who would heal my wounds and set me free in a jiffy?” Titania heard a low sarcastic whisper which seemed to have a hint of laughter in it and consequently so, had her stiffen her limbs all of a sudden.

‘Damn it! Me and my loud mouth. When will I ever learn!’ Titania couldn’t help but curse as she let out an awkward laughter.

“Ha..HaHa! It seems like my skills have become a little rusty recently. But Mr. Dragon, do not worry at all. I swear in my name that I will definitely succeed in refining a golden raring pill for your wounds. Trust me just this once.” Titania abruptly sat up and slapped her puffed up chest in a vigorous demeanour.

The obsidian dragon just stared at her with a weirded out look and a minute later, what sounded like a sigh came out of him as he said, “Take rest for today, I will guide you to properly concoct golden raring pills tomorrow at dawn. For now you should concentrate on replenishing your mana and strength as much as possible, because you will need it tomorrow.”

Titania gulped down an excuse and decided to do as the obsidian dragon said against her better judgement. 

However, where can she heave a sigh of relief with a dragon staring holes into her skull. With much difficulty she managed to keep herself from jumping out of her skin as she laid flat on her back to rest.

After what felt like forever, she finally fell into a restless slumber since she had not rested for two nights in a go.  

Unknown to Tania, a certain dragon slowly emmerged from the  sinuous loch in a majestic mien and unexpectedly morphed into that of a tall dark figure, his glowing obsidian eyes deep with a kind of eerie mad obsession and his thin lips plastered with a stiff smile with his angular jaws taut.

He lazily approached the sleeping bod of Titania and very soon his blanched face was magnified in front of her when he was too close for comfort; then ominous so, he softly whispered the words which would make Tania have nightmares for weeks on end into her ears.

"....Found You!"

When Tania woke up the next day, it was long after daybreak. Until that very moment, Titania always thought that she was very vigilant to the slightest of dangers around her.

Her long lashes flapped a couple of times as she stared wide-eyed into the countenance of the black dragon ogling back at her in a leisurely demeanour.

She was shocked to say the least. Who can tell her why the beast who was submerged deep into the spring, quite far away from her yesterday, was now crouched right beside her, looking at her with avid interest?

Titania’s poor heart almost took a direct hit when that dragonish face with hundreds of sharp canines was almost cramming into hers.

If she was someone with a weak heart, she reckoned she would've reached Heaven in a heartbeat(Gulp!)

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