Epoch 🎐 15

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When the elder of the Draíocht tower died in Eganius Cline’s hands, it was still understandable as he had overstepped his bounds and spoke before he was allowed to speak. But now that Eganius Cline was killing people left and right without reason, it was hard for the mages to remain silent. 

It's not that the person who died this time was someone important, but the crux of the matter was that if Eganius Cline continued killing unreasonably just because he was in a bad mood, then there will be no one left here standing soon. 

“Lord Eganius Cline! For thousands of years, our mage towers have not violated any of the treaties with the wizard towers, I don’t know how we have offended you this time around?” A Braveheart stood up and stepped forward to ask loudly, “You were the one who wanted to negotiate in the first place. So, we sincerely welcomed you as our elder and respected you as one, but on the contrary, you are indiscriminately killing all our comrades without rhyme nor reason? How could you do this?” 

Eganius Cline stood above the alter, and slightly glanced at the man coldly. The person who had bravely questioned Eganius Cline now had his back wet with sweat drops.

Eganius Cline touched his chin and looked as if he were contemplating for a moment, and the slowly spoke in a honey-toned voice, “I see... it really doesn’t make sense.”

And then abruptly so, his face turned even gloomier as he continued, “I hate to reason with the most.”

Then, the very next moment, thick dark miasmas like that of webs or thin ropes spread around as Eganius Cline’s magical aura pressed the people in the vicinity even harder, and with a speed faster than lightning, they spread around and started taking off heads at a blinding tempo. 

The mages around clenched their staffs and wands tightly as they could not help thinking, ‘Knowing that you are unreasonable, are you being unreasonable deliberately? We have seen people who came to destroy us before, but we have never seen someone who is so frank and magnanimous about it! Where do you put us mages in your eyes? You are totally toying with us!’

What else could they say. After all, it was an entirely all-powerful entity who was being unreasonable. If you have power, you can be as unreasonable as you want to be. No one can stand above you and dare to preach you. The people here knew that. So, all they could do now was struggle desperately for their lives. 

The sound of screams and anarchy soon spread like a wildfire and a total pandemonium ensued. There was blood and despair everywhere and people with higher tier of magical powers started showing off their powers and releasing their auras. 

Titania was one of the few who were of the lowest tiers in this crazy battlefield of magic. The pressure of the auras of all the powerful mages and wizards plus an Eganius Cline had Tania almost vomiting blood on spot.

For Tania, this was simply a battle between Gods and Immortals.

Blood and death curses were spraying everywhere around like a sprinkler and Tania couldn’t take such a stimulating scene any longer. She directly squatted down on the ground with her eyes tightly shut and started to pray all this would be over when she finally open her eyes again.      

Tania: ‘So scary! So scary! What kind of irritable pervert is this little lover of mine! God, Buddha, Alla, Spaghetti monster! How could I have succeeded in seducing such an unreasonable person! When did I become such a pro at flirting? Mama! Save me!’ 

At such a crucial moment, the head of the Draíocht Tower anxiously stepped forward to appease the fiend called Eganius Cline. He chanted a protective spell around himself and walked towards Eganius Cline while struggling under the blows of the dark strings of miasma causing chaos around the place. 

He quickly kneed down in front of Eganius Cline and spoke very loudly, “Respected lord, if you are dissatisfied with any of our conducts or anything pertaining to the mage towers, you might as well tell us directly. If we can reconcile with you, we are will to agree to any amicable conditions. Such bloodshed will do neither of us any good. Draíocht tower is willing to give up several of our mountain peaks as tribute to you, as well as ten eldria crystal mines in the south of the tower if you just calm down.” The head elder spoke with sweat decorating his frowning temples. 

“We are also willing to gift ten Erenal grass sprites as tribute to you every year.” And then, the head elder glanced at a squatting Titania and with a meaningful smile spoke, “In addition, in order to express our deepest sincerity towards Lord Eganius Cline, the Draíocht tower has selected our best-looking disciple for the Lord. This junior disciple has admired the great king of the wizard realms for a long time now. So, she is also voluntarily willing to give herself to you, my Lord.” 

A squatting Tania: “........”

~ ••• ~

ERENAL GRASS SPRITE – A kind of healing grass sprite that is very rare in the lower magic realms. They are abundantly found in the middle spirit realms and are smuggled to the lower realms with high prices. They die off the moment they heal a person as they are forced to heal with their life essence. They are said to be so miraculous that even a nearly dead person with only a breath left, can become completely healthy once they use the Erenal grass Sprites.

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