Epoch 🎐 32

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Looking at all the stern fully armored soldiers marching into the prison cell, no one could really sit still. Everyone eyed the infiltrating guards with frightened expressions and bated breath.

"I heard that someone had pulled out the medical herbs from the garden in the outskirts of the underground prison in the middle of the night, maybe that is why the guards are coming in to enquire today." Someone whispered in the crowd and made the gossip-girl Alania itchy with curiosity, "What! Who do you think is so wicked?" She gasped in alarm when she heard the crooks of the matter.

The wicked Titania, "....."

"I don't know." And hence Titania decided to play dumb.

"Of course you don't know. I watched you sleep as early as 9 pm every night. Where do you get the chance to see anything happening? I'm just being curious and want to guess who it might be."

Titania, '......Are you really sure you have been watching me sleep every night?'

But Titania really could not blame Alania for mistaking her for a good girl as she had been very low-key since the very beginning. At least she herself thought so. Except for Alania, she doesn't talk to other people much. She always liked to be alone and apart from healing herself, all she did was sleep.

But Titania's face was not something that could ever be considered low-key. Even if she were to paint her face with mud, she would still shine like a snow lotus amidst that pool of mud.

Before they could discuss the matter a little bit more, a group of gruff looking soldiers rushed into the dungeon with commander Warden Grayscale and a lilac noble woman walking leisurely in tow. Without further ado, the guards grabbed hold onto a confused Titania and Alania.

"Is it them?" Asked the pale lithe woman with a wave of her fan.

"That's right my Lady, it's her! She sneaks out every night and that Alania always helps her to cover up after."

One of the prisoners yelled in a vindictive tone.

The glamorous lady, when her eyes roved through Titania, they became very gloomy all of a sudden and sheer hostility dripped right out of her glaring expression.

The prisoners who turned out to be the few seniors from the Draiocht tower, saw this turn of events and with a wicked grin started slandering Titania and Alania all the more.

"These two of them have been very secretive these past few days and they hardly interact with anyone during the day. I suspect that they must be some undercover spies sent by the mages to assassinate Lord Eganius Cline."

The assassin Titania, "......"

This was a classic example of a thief calling others a thief. Tania had been very careful of these seniors of the Draiocht tower who had been huddled up in the same prison cell as her since the past few days. She had definitely made sure that these people were fast asleep when she slipped out of the dungeon that night. Hence, she was pretty sure that they were lying through their teeth when they were openly accusing her of this offense. Not to mention the fact that they were even pulling Alania into the same murky waters!?

This was utterly outrageous! Everyone was in the same dire straits, and she could not believe that these seniors still had time for such petty internal struggles. She wondered if they were so leisurely to actually act up this kind of trifling farce.

"You are farting with your mouths! You're the f•cking spy! We have no grievances between us, how dare you frame us like this?" Alania cursed aloud with gritted teeth while rolling up her sleeves to beat the crap out of these traitorous bitches.

The seniors from the Draiocht tower took a step back guiltily when they saw the fierce glare of Alania and if Tania had not stopped Alania from grabbing hold onto these seniors, then she was afraid that they would soon be bald and beaten to a pulp.

On the other hand, the eyes of the noble looking lady who stood on the sidelines with the commander suddenly changed, she frowned, a little vexed as she watched on with a look as if staring at mindless livestock which would soon be taken out for slaughter into the gallows.

Titania immediately became aware of her impatient hostile look as she tried to reign in the still unaware Alania who was fuming in rage due to this disgusting set up by the other inmates of her cell.

Commander Warden, being a veteran, was not at all fooled by the bronze medal acting of the disciples of the Draiocht tower, and became keenly aware that they were blatantly framing her, but he was under no obligation to  assist her even if he knew she was being framed. Even so, he wanted to hear her side of the story, and so, asked in a commanding manner, "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"Of course we do!" Yelled Alania in apprehension. "We have been wrongly accused! You can do an extensive investigation about this matter if you want. We are really innocent!"

However, the noble lady whose name was Malleta Berengaria seemed to hold some unspeakable grudges against Titania and had found just the reason to hold her accountable. So how could she let the two of them off easily?

She contemptuously sneered at both the ladies and spoke in a haughty tone, "These people have not known you at all before. So, what reason would they have to lie to us if you are not guilty of any of the foregoing crimes? Guards! Drag these two out to the Howling Gallows!"She ordered and soon, the stunned ladies were dragged down into the deepest darkest confinement volts that held the most horrific of criminals of the wizard realm.

Malleta Berengaria was indeed a noble of the wizarding realm. In fact, she was the only daughter of the prime minister of the wizarding realm and the maiden originally arranged for a marriage to Eganius Cline before his descend into the magic realm to find his beloved.

Malleta Berengaria, who had been infatuated with Eganius Cline since the first time she had laid eyes on him and was groomed since her birth to be the Queen Consort of the wizarding realm could not digest the fact that her love interest had suddenly declared that he was going to find his lover and started bringing in wild women from all around the world one fine day. She was furious and heartbroken, but who would dare to defy the orders of a monarch who had reigned over them since the past thousand years. So with a heavy heart, the dignified lady of the prime minister was forced to swallow this humiliation.

However, the moment Eganius Cline said that he had finally found his beloved and wanted her, his supposed fiancée to take care of her while in the dungeon, was when it really broke the camel's back.

~ ••• ~

Author's Note

Hey there Peps!

New chapter out🥳🥳🥳

Also, I will be uploading advance chapters of TVOL in webnovel from tomorrow onwards. So, if you guys want to read on ahead and support the little ol' me do check it out😊😊😊

It will be updated at 10 pm (PHPT) Tomorrow.

Thank you so much for your love and support guys🙇‍♂️

Loads of love,
Victoric ❤️❤️❤️

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