Epoch 🎐 51

982 54 6

The mortal lady's once beautiful face was now thin and only bones were left, and she burst into tears when she saw her daughter. She held her little daughter in her arms and kept looking at her daughter's little face, "Nia, why are you thin? Didn't I tell you to eat well last time?"

The last time she saw her daughter was a year ago. In the mortal lady's heart, no matter how the Magnus family hated her, Titania was their own flesh and blood. And the mage doted on her daughter so much, they would definitely not treat Nia harshly.

She didn't know that her Nia no longer had the treatment of the eldest lady who used to be the apple of everyone's eye before. Today's Nia's food, clothing, housing and transportation are inferior to a favoured servant in the Magnus household. Titania wiped away the tears in her mother's eyes and said, "I must eat well and grow taller earlier, so that I can teach those people who had wronged my mother a good lesson."

When the mortal Lady heard this, she looked at her daughter disapprovingly: "Titania, you are a daughter of the Magnus house. You should be gentle, calm and benevolent, and being too violent and hostile is not proper. Don't think of these messy things all day long. Who will dare to marry you if you grow up so vindictively?"

Titania was silent for a moment, not knowing how to tell her sick mother that she no longer was the prospective eldest daughter of the Magnus family and so she no longer needed to be docile and benevolent; the mortal Lady coughed anxiously when her daughter refused to say anything, "Nia."

The anxious Tania could only change her words and say, "Okay, mother, I will listen to you. Take a break and stop coughing."

The maid beside Tania stepped forward, and poured a glass of water for the mortal lady, and helped her to lie down. The lady leaned on the simple bedding and looked out the window with eyes filled with vasiseitude, "I used to envy the nobles calling slaves and maids, and the heroic mages going into the sea and mountains and encountering various adventures. I wanted to join your father in those numerous adventure one day, how laughable. Now that I think about it, what is enviable? If you can't get the heart and the true promise from the person you are going to spent your life with, even the most noble status is nothing but a shackle to you."

A few sparrows flew past the window, and she stared at the birds in a daze, while muttering, "I only envied the grandeur and power of those noble mages, not knowing that even if the cage is made out of gold, it is still a cage. I do not know of the people born in this golden cage, maybe they never think this is a cage at all. Maybe that is why they are still able to look down on the mortal women outside, thinking that mortals are vulgar and inferior, far far inferior. And their blood is nobler than the Gods in Heaven. Maybe that is how the noble women are able to cope with this golden cage. But Nia... I was not born a noble, nor a mage. It would be great if I had never left the village."

Nia saw the unnatural blush on her mother's face and vaguely felt that her condition was not right, she hurriedly grabbed her mother's hand in anxiety and cried, "Mother?"

The mortal lady put her hand under the pillow and quickly took out a glowing beautiful golden key. The the shimmering golden key was a communication key and was full of magical aura; the lady held the golden key in her hand and slowly rubbed it with her thin fingers, as if stroking her lover's lips, "Nia, don't resent your father endlessly, I've fallen to this day, it's all what I deserved for coveting something that was never meant to be mine in the first place. I rescued him from that river back then, and when he woke up, he had asked me if there were any identification items on his original clothes. And I lied to him and said 'no'. Actually, there was."

The people in the dreary room all looked at the golden communication key in the lady's hands quietly, and they all recognised the mark on it.

The mortal lady coughed a few times, and then said with difficulty, "When I rescued him, I noticed this communication key hanging onto his neck. I knew what it was, but I was in love, and my heart being greedy for such a handsome and dazzling person, I felt God had finally opened his eyes and sent such a magnificent person to me. Otherwise, it would be impossible for me to interact with such a fairy in my entire lifetime. So... I did not want him to leave too soon, which led me to hide this communication key from him. Later, when he woke up, he had already lost his memory."

"And one wrong step let to another series of wrong steps. I could not control my selfishness and lied to him again and again just so he would stay with me. I knew he would leave me one day when he recovered his memories, but there was always a glimmer of hope in my heart, what if?"

"Later, he proposed and we got married, and he soon indeed recover his memory, but did not dislike my humble background, and against the objections of all his elders, even took me back to the Magnus house as his Missus, and there was you. This was the happiest time in my life, and happiness made me scared. But God still had eyes, if you had stollen it, sooner or later, you have to pay back the things that were stollen. And now, I am left in this lonely place, alone and separated from my only flesh and blood. It is my retribution. He and Miss Runeus are married now, and they are considered happy. The only thing I can't let go of is you."

The mortal lady handed the golden communication key to little Nia, and looked at her daughter greedily, as if trying to imprint her into her eyes one last time. She muttered in a dull voice, "Nia, don't blame your father or Miss Runeus. She is also a victim. If it weren't for me, she wouldn't have to suffer these three or four years of criticism; originally this was her marriage. I was born humble, and my life was like a grass by the side of the road, it was God's grace to be lucky enough to be the wife of a fairy like him. I should be grateful to have caught a glimpse of the moon by chance. How can I dare to take possession of the moonlight? But Nia, you are not the same as your mother. You were born with the noble magic bloodline. In the future, you must work hard and study hard to be a great mage. And when you grow up, you must choose someone who loves you. Don't be like me... and when you find the one, give this communication key to your destined one. Say it is a token of blessing from his unfortunate mother-in-law."

Don't be like her mother? Tania cried out loud, desperately holding her mother tightly, almost going crazy. This is not how this ought to have turned out! Her mother was not an inconspicuous grass by the roadside, she was the most dazzling flower in the world of entertainment! ..... Wait! What Entertainment? But before Nia's thoughts could turn her mother's wrist slipped from her little hands and hit the edge of the bed with a 'Thump'.

And Titania woke up with a horrified scream, "Mom!!!"

To be Continued........

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