Epoch 🎐 8

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This voice… wasn’t it the elder Hermod?

What Tania feared most was the elder who was in charge of inspecting the disciples. She was punished nine out of ten times by this particular elder and he always was unforgiving and biased when it came to her.

Tania’s back was stiffened as she turned around slowly, and muttered in a trembling voice, “H-Hello Elder Hermod. Ah! I wasn’t going anywhere, I was just taking Belly out for a nice graze.”

Elder Hermod glanced wordlessly at the big blue drooling eldricorn besides Tania when he heard her words, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but twitch slightly. Even if it wasn’t the first time he had seen it, he was still quite unaccustomed to this not so tame eldricorn of Tania.

Today, elder Hermod was not here to find fault with Tania. He came to her with business in mind and indifferently commanded, “The head and the other elders have something to say to you and are looking for you. Come with me.”

Tania was surprised for a moment, “…Huh?”

She pointed to herself in disbelief and asked once more, “Are you sure it’s me they are looking for?”

Elder Hermod glanced at her coldly, and after looking at Tania’s face he felt that this really was a face that invited misfortunes. It was more beautiful than a fairy from the Heavens. Besides Titania, where can you find a second person who looked better in the Draíocht tower?

Elder Hermod couldn’t reveal anything at this moment, so he just perfunctorily said, “Don’t talk nonsense, and keep up with me.”

Tania lowered her head and sighed, ‘It seems like, I won’t be able to go meet Egan on time.’

Tania wanted to tell Egan about not being able to come on time but there was still no reply from the other side. Hence, she became more and more anxious as time went by. She quietly fiddled with the communication key hung to her neck apprehensively as she slowed down her pace and Elder Hermod quickly realized that something was wrong and turned to frown at her, “What are you doing? Won’t you hurry up?”

“No, I’m not doing anything….” Tania lowered her head with a guilty conscience and bit her lip in nervousness.

After this, she did not dare make any suspicious moves.

The Draíocht tower was very strict when it came to security, if it is discovered that she has been in secret contact with people from outside the mage tower for many years, and couldn’t even clear the suspicion and identity of the other person she was in contact with, it would be a grace if they didn’t kill her on the spot.

Tania followed the Elder all the way to the conference room of the tower and looked at the interiors in awe. It was her first time stepping into the innermost part of the Draíocht Tower, only qualified individuals were allowed to step into the innermost parts of the magic tower. She was a simple inferior disciple who could not even raise her magic from the second tier, she wondered what she had done to deserve to be in the conference room with all the higher ups of the mage tower? Did she have some hidden life experience and now that the mage tower was in a crisis, they have summoned for her to reveal her true identity?

Or was she a hidden genius and had some strange powers which could help save the world?

All kinds of plot twists came into her mind as she went even deeper into the mage tower.

No, wasn’t she cannon fodder? Where does her protagonist halo come from?

Tania was as puzzled as a dog trying to do algebra but she didn’t have the guts to ask anything more along the way. When she finally reached the place where all the elders were gathered with solemn looks on their faces, she bowed respectfully and said, “Disciple Titania bows to the venerated elders of the Draíocht tower.”

She didn’t know anyone here except for elder Hermod, but she still saluted them all the same.

“You don’t need to be so polite.” Seeing Tania’s respectful demeanor, the head elder spoke in a kind, smiling manner, trying to make himself look as magnanimous as possible, “Titania, have you been accustomed to living in the Draíocht tower these years?”

Tania, “??” ‘Did you call me all the way here just to ask me that?’

She wanted to wrap up everything here quickly as she still had to go to see her little lover. If the elders had asked for her just to show warmth between master and disciple, then she doesn’t have time.

Tania smiled and wanted to be over with the head elder with a few polite words but it seemed like the elder had no plans to let her off easily today. The head elder Gremlin, began to laugh and talk about the current situation of the magic realm slowly, and soon starting talking about the grievances of thousands of mages and common people due to the atrocities of Eganius Cline and his crew of wizards. He talked about the future of the mages as well as the plight of the current magic realm; the more Tania listened, the more she felt that something was not right.

She knitted her brows slightly and the next minute heard the head elder say, “So, for the safety of this realm, are you willing to…”

Willing to? Willing to what?

Tania’s brows couldn’t help frown more as she listened, and she suddenly had a dangerous hunch.

“For the survival of this realm, are you willing to pretend to be a blasepher dedicated to Eganius Cline? If you can win over Eganius Cline, you can not only delay the invasion of the evil wizards but also save countless lives from destruction.”

Tania with a frown on her face, “???”

Did she hear him wrong?

She had to pretend to be a….. WHAT!?


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