Epoch 🎐 12

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Do not speak?

Why can’t they speak! No one warned them that they were not allowed to speak in front of him beforehand!

Everyone gulped and thought, ‘Are you really here to negotiate with the mages? Do you know who you killed just now? It’s one of the key members that helped maintain the fragile peace between your wizards and our mages!’

However, thinking was one thing and daring to say it out loud was another. Everyone wisely kept their mouth sealed for fear they would end up irritating this great ancestor of doom and end up losing their lives.

It was originally Eganius Cline who took the initiative to negotiate with them at first. After all, where did they have the courage to confront this ancestor level natural disaster and suggest a negotiation.

But who knew that his negotiation tactics would be bathed with blood and gore. This was a obvious provocation against the mages, but no one dared to take out their weapons under his siege. And all of them were astonished that no one was provoked enough to take out their weapons to fight the wizard king who was making a fool out of them.

Instead, all of them had sluggish reactions to the situation, especially the elders. The youthful calves who didn’t know the fear of a tiger were baffled to find their revered elders bowing their heads and quietly submitting to the enemy.

But what else could the elders do except eat such a loss in front of an unfathomably powerful force, they knew that if they insisted on fighting Eganius Cline, it would be the very likely extinction of the mages.

Eganius Cline was not only known because of his powers, he was also famous for being a true immortal. He would not die even if his head was severed from his body. Such was his gift, and also a curse. That is how he had been able to outlive all his peers.

So, if they could coax this disaster to come to a peaceful agreement, then why not. They were not interested in destroying half the magical realm just to kill one dark wizard.

Their ancestors had worked so hard over these past thousand years to slowly build up the vitality of the mages, how could the wise be willing to take such a reckless risk.

So, if Eganius Cline wanted them to be quiet, then it was not a hard task to be quiet.

When absolute pin-dropped silence finally reigned the hall, the dark wizard changed his position once again to a more comfortable one and continued to fiddle with his key, his eyes undeterred and focused.

He looked like a young internet addicted teenager fiddling with his mobile phone with sheer relish.

“… Nia? Are you there? I’m still waiting for you.”

Everyone: '??? What are you even here for?’

Everyone except for Titania had this same question in their hearts.

Titania’s heart quivered as she slowly raised her head to look at the man lazing around in front of her and her eyes instantly shrank and widen in their sockets the next moment.

The man in question, was not exactly a man, but a young youth with a fair face.

He had a long high arched nose and deep dark watery obsidian eyes. His jaws were taut and angular and he had a tiny dimple on the left side of his cheeks.

His lashes were long, as if a crow’s feathers and his skin was shiny like that of suede jadeite. He had short jet-black hair which fell messily to his temples as he lowered his head to talk softly onto an old key hung languidly to his neck.

His black robes were an indefinable black with light golden patterns embroidered on them and they swirled on the ground like water waves, seeming to have a life of their own. They were swirling and waiving around the ground as if dancing with glee.

At a glance, he was unbelievably beautiful. Not handsome, but the kind of beautiful that could sip into the onlooker’s soul. He had the appearance of one who saw right through the heart and would suck your entire soul out with a mere look of his eyes.

My God! What kind of soul-stirring beauty was this!

Titania couldn’t help but suck in a deep shaky breath as she gaped at the man in black.

Ever since she had heard Eganius Cline’s voice softly humming into the old communication key, she could not really keep her calm.

It was precisely why she dared to raise her eyes to have a look. Eganius Cline’s voice was youthful, clear, cold and heartrendingly stimulating. The kind of voice which could make her go soft on her knees. The same voice which made her fall in love.

….. This voice, this tone, the same indifferent and arrogant attitude, wasn’t this voice the exact same as that of her little lover?

Titania was left dumbstruck for a moment.


Titania: Mama, I was Catfished!!!

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