Epoch 🎐 34

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AUTHOR's NOTE : Hello dear readers! The next advanced chapter of "(TVOL) Ch - 36" is already updated on WEBNOVEL. If you want to read on ahead, do check it out. MFL will be updated in Webnovel tomorrow.

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An echo of a soft coquettish voice reverberated in an extremely luxurious golden glided chamber hall of the inner palace.

The chamber did not seem to have a roof over it at all. Actually, it did have a roof over it, but an extremely high tier illusionary magic was casted over it and thus, it looked like a divine abode from where one could even gaze into the Heavens above.

In the middle of the chamber, there was a deep blue pool of the divine healing water and a delicate white faced youth was leisurely bathing in it. The surrounding pillars of the chamber were encrypted with weird incantations and dense magical ruins which made the entire panorama a little bit more mysterious.

This place was the center of the wizard palace and was known as the abysmal chasm. It was the bedchamber of the famous Eganius Cline who had been using the place as an abode for recuperation over the past thousand years. As such, no one was allowed to even step ten meters around this abysmal chasm, regardless of his or her identity. It was a mysterious dwelling even to the high ranking wizards of the wizarding world.

The layout of this place was extremely luxurious, filled with countless rare treasures that had long gone extinct over the centuries on the lower realms and everything in this lair screamed lavishness. But due to the young youth's unusual preferences for dark gloomy home décor, the place looked more like a confinement center for a noble rather than the main bedchamber of the monarch of an entire race of wizards.

Countless magic circles bedecked the walls of the abysmal chasm while the place only had a few furniture and a fire place along with the pool of healing water. There was no bed, no windows and no curtains, making the place all the more cold and unlively. But this was what Eganius Cline preferred - simple, drape and gloomy.

So, in such a dangerously gloomy air, when a young budding girl's flirty voice suddenly broke in through the communication key that Eganius Cline always carried around with himself, the cloudy ambiance suddenly morphed into that of a sweet, charming and a little delightful disposition.

The pale austere face of Eganius Cline abruptly broke out into a strange twisted smile. There was grievance, wiliness, happiness and a little expectation, all matted into that strange smile of his.

After a heartbeat of a moment, juvenile Egan's smooth low voice come out from the communication key on the other side.

"Mm." The voice was rather cold and reserved, and there was no sign of the ups and downs of his little heart. In a nutshell... it was very artificial.

Titania, "...."

Mama! Were all men ignored by their lover this moody?

Titania did not know how to react at this moment. If possible, she did not want to contact this person ever again after she was made aware of his real identity. Especially after he almost choked her to death. But when she heard that heaven-defying melodious voice once more, her tranquil heart was now beating against her chest like a drum as she realized that she was truly trapped now.

Titania could never mistake Eganius Cline's voice. Even if all her other senses were made ineffective and only her auditory acuity was left intact, she would recognize Eganius Cline's voice in a heartbeat. But she did not know what was wrong with her recently. Maybe it was due to her tensed nerves over these past few days of toiling and tossing undercover to escape from this very person that she could even fool her subconscious mind into believing that the scammer dragon she met earlier was not Eganius Cline. In fact, when she heard his voice just now again, she immediately realized that she was just trying to run away from reality. That scammer dragon that she helped in the royal garden that day was really this bastard of a lover of hers.

Titania suddenly felt really complicated in her heart. She still remembers boasting in the face of Eganius Cline that even if she did not ever see his face, but if she heard his voice just once she could recognize him right away, and now when he just changed his form, she even doubted her ears and refused to believe that it was Eganius Cline in disguise who was prancing and frolicking right in front of her eyes in a disdainful manner.

She felt as if a bolt of lightning had suddenly struck her into dumbfoundedness, leaving her staggered as to how to react from now on.

"... Nia?" The young reserved voice of Eganius Cline from the other side suddenly stirred her up from her trance and soon, the wheels of Titania's mind whirled fast.

'Eganius Cline is not the kind of person who would let her off if he really found her out but the obsidian dragon had let her go. Granted he had cheated her off her money and returned her back into the dungeon, but Egan would never really let her go if he knew who she was. So.... is it possible that when she met Egan in his dragonish form, he did not actually recognize her?' Tania speculated.

This speculation almost made Titania breathless. If this was so, then she could probably get away with all kinds of lies and scenarios that she would make up to justify her past actions.

All of a sudden, Titania felt rejuvenated, as if she was injected with dopamine into her system. At this moment, she was barely hanging by a thread with no way out. If she wanted to get out of here alive, the only person who could save her now was her ex. No matter how unwilling she was to revive her relationship with Eganius Cline, in front of death nothing really mattered. What was one Eganius Cline, she could even kiss up to a thousand Eganius Clines if she could keep this little life of hers.

So, she took in a long breath and got ready to act up the travesty of her lifetime.

"Egan~ I miss you sooo much~"

However, Eganius Cline raised a brow to that.

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