Epoch 🎐 11

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Titania was born extremely beautiful, she had always been a dazzling beauty since she was a child, and it had nothing to do with the genes of her parents. Her biological father in this world even suspected that she was an illegitimate child of some wild man outside.
Titania did not know why she was born in this world with her original face from her own world, maybe it had something to do with her soul; she did not know, but what she did know was that this face was a constant reminder to her that she did not belong here.
Her parents were in the entertainment industry in her previous life, so they were extremely dazzling people. Even though Tania did not join the entertainment industry in her previous life, she could still be said to be one of the most delicate beauties among the young rich second generation kids around her.
Now, with a face that could make a person lose his soul, she was dressed beautifully and with pretty make up on, one could only imagine how breath-taking she looked to the eye.
Her peach blossom watery eyes were capable of hooking even a saint, pure and charming, the more one looked at her, the more they felt she was a beautiful fairy who had descended from the skies above.
Tania felt that the reason she became a cannon fodder in this world was because of this overly beautiful face of hers. She really wanted to swear at her rotten fate right now.
As she was controlled by a high tier blood curse, she could not disobey the head elder and could only quietly follow him, dragging her unwilling feet, step by step towards her impending doom, to the large main hall of the Draíocht tower where the meeting with Eganius Cline was taking place right now. She suddenly felt that there was not much difference between the wizards who practiced dark magic and the mages who took pride in their practice of light magic. Both were selfish and cruel in their own ways when it came to gains and losses.
The sky above gradually darkened as the eventide set in. However, all of a sudden, everyone felt an extremely powerful coercion slowly approaching them, the aura of the magic was so thick that everyone was gasping under it’s pressure. The expressions of all the present elders changed slightly, unanimously feeling a burst of heart palpitations. They tasted what extreme indomitable power felt like.
Eganius Cline was really worthy of being the most supreme being in this realm. When he was around, actively stirring up trouble thousands of years ago, none of them were even born. They were all his juniors in a sense, so how could they measure up to him?
Initially, some had illusions that they could hope to contend with him, but all their confidence and arrogance dissipated into the soil of Velrone and now they could clearly see, there was no second option other than catering to Eganius Cline’s needs and negotiating to save their skin.
And that was precisely the reason they came up with the beauty trick. Titania’s current magical powers were of the lowest tier. So, as soon as she felt the immense magical pressure released by a god tier wizard, she could literally feel her blood surging and her strength sipping out of her body. Titania’s body fell to its knees and she had to support herself with her trembling arms to keep off the ground.
She slightly felt a figure pass her by. It was a dark phantom to be more precise. It was exorbitantly fast and in a blink of an eye, it appeared to be seated in the head elder’s seat of honor.
Titania laboriously raised her head to look at the paramount dark phantom leisurely seated in front of her, and came face to face with a young man emitting such dense magical semblance that it made one breathless to even look directly at him.
This was Eganius Cline; she felt. A superpower that couldn’t even be fathomed by the experts of this world. Whose whole existence was a threat to this world.
His aura was so dense and powerful that it immediately clocked the entire Belvoir mountains, and the feeling of being cornered and surrounded by his power made the expressions of several elders ugly. They knew they were helpless in front of this fiend of nature, and they could only bow their heads in submission.
One of the more courageous elders of the Draíocht tower slowly took the lead in approaching the man on the high alter and with bated breath, spoke cautiously, “This junior greets the great lord of the wizards, Eganius Cline.”
And then he continued in a shaky tone, “In these recent years, both of our races have not violated the peace treaty of Lyx river to continue this peaceful coexistence. I do not know if our side had made any mistakes this time around for the great lord to come down to our side of the river. So, to show our sincerest of apologies we...”
However, before he could even finish his words, the man who was languidly fiddling with an old rusted key in his hands, suddenly raised his index finger and with a lazy swing of it all, the head of the presumptuous elder fell to the ground with a speed that was difficult for the naked eye to catch up to.
A cold corpse fell to the hard ground with a loud ‘thud!’ under the widened shocked eyes of the people present. Blood belatedly sprayed out of the cut off neck of the elder in front of Tania’s horrified eyes and her brained went into a numbing overdrive in the next second.
No one expected that Eganius Cline would be such an unreasonable lunatic that he would directly sever the head of a high elder in front of the compelling powers of the magical realm. They were shocked and were left shaking in their boots at the tyranny of his powers. 
The youth nonchalantly seated in the head elder’s seat, slowly changed his position and one of his pale dexterous hands supported his chin while holding a communication key with his other hand, leisurely spoke, “Shhhh. Do not talk.”
“If you speak without my permission a second time, all within the radius of my magic circle will be killed instantly.” 

Tania: Ahhh! Crazy! This guy is crazy!

Author: Yeah. Crazy for you ;)


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