Epoch 🎐 40

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Eganius Cline knew exactly what was going on in Tania's head. From her nicely put words and her shrewd actions, it was clear that she did not want to meet him at all. But so what? Even if she refused and ran away to the edge of this world, he will still chase after her until she was finally within his grasp. After all, who told her to play with fire?

So, with interest smoldering deep in his eyes, he quietly listened to her talk about exciting nonsense for over a whole hour.

Commander Waldron who stood like a stiff bamboo pole in the sidelines had nowhere else to go; he could neither withdraw nor could he interrupt his lord. All he could do was wait for Tania to finish up with her script as soon as possible.

Finally, after an hour of wheedling and coddling Egan, Titania eventually dared to voice out her real purpose, "Egan~ Initially, I did not mention this to you earlier because I did not want to worry you. But I... I seem to be slowly losing my consciousness."

Egan's usual lazy mood suddenly disappeared like smoke as he knitted his brows in displeasure. ".....What do you mean?"

Guessing that Eganius Cline was already upset from his grim tone, Tania cautiously continued, "I am in a very dangerous place at this moment. During my travels, I was unfortunate enough to meet some very wicked people who kidnapped me against my will and trapped me in a dark prison. My spiritual beast was also intercepted by those crooks and I can no longer escape this place. While trapped in this cold dark prison, I kept thinking about you and kept missing you so much. I also do not know when I will be able to see you next time, and so I thought I would give you a call. (Sniff!~)"

The air pressure around Eganius Cline suddenly dropped to a minus degree as he looked like a demon out of hell, his cold burning anger seeked to harm anything and anyone who even tried to approach him at this moment. In his domain, right under his nose, who tried to grab what belonged to him? It seemed as if he was too good tempered these last few decades.

"What does the place you are trapped in looks like? Describe details." He questioned in a stringent pitch.

"Erm... I don't know, I can't see because it is too dark. It just feels really cold here and it is filled with miasma? My body was hurting too much, so I took a mind numbing pill and I feel like my magical powers are being drained in this place." Titania summarized her current state in the scary prison in a few words and Egan's pupils dilated in consequence.

"I would not have much problem getting out of here if Belly was here, but I do not know where she is right now. So... I kind of Ahem! forgot the high tier escape spells that you had taught me before. Erm... so, can you teach it to me again?" Titania asked sheepishly. It's not that she was not a studious student; it's just that Eganius Cline's lessons were really hard to interpret and learn from. Not to mention that he was a horrible teacher and it took Tania almost forever to get a simple high level spell down. So high tier escape spells that seldom came into use when Tania was still protected in the Draiocht tower were not practiced by her much. As a result, she forgot most of the incantations involved in casting such spells.

She felt ashamed and awkward asking Egan about it, but she was in a do or die situation here, she could not afford to be thin-skinned now.

Egan, "......"

Commander Waldron, "..........."

Seeing the fifteen years old Titania's armor-plated face, Commander Waldron couldn't help but blush in turn.

Egan, ".....Even if you use all the escape spells in the vocabulary of the magic world, you will still not succeed on escaping from that cell."

Titania, "......?!!! What!"

She felt like someone had hit her hard in the head, making her almost dizzy in the process. "What do you mean? Is this place that sturdy that even your spells would not be able to penetrate through it?" Titania could hardly believe Egan's words.

"Yes, there are hardly any spells in this realm which can break that prison because that prison was originally made to contain me."

Eganius Cline explosive words had left Titania dumbfounded once more, with a thousand questions hanging around in the air, but she did not have the courage to open her mouth and ask the 'Whys'.

"... T-Then, what do I do now?" Was all she could muster up to ask.

"You just sit tight and wait." Was Egan's answer before he hung up the call.

Titania sat still, feeling very numb at this moment, her feelings were all over the place and she did not know how to describe her rollercoaster of emotions. She only felt that she was royally screwed at this point in the game.

And she was right.

Eganius Cline who had just got off the call with Titania, got up from his seat and swiftly left his abode towards the underground dungeon where she was initially kept. Egan originally wanted to leave her be in the underground dungeon for a few more days as punishment for lying to him, but did not expect that someone would be brave enough to touch her. Now that she said that she was taken away from the underground dungeon, he had to go see it for himself and find out her whereabouts as soon as possible.

Soon, a young youth in a pure raven attire descended at doorsill of the overcast underground dungeon. Egan promptly walked into the dungeon where several hundreds of young females were imprisoned under his command. The otherwise sluggish prison suddenly became rather lively when the people saw this dark figure walking into the place.

The women in the dungeon whispered in hushed tones while ogling at the figure of the man who was approaching them. Eganius Cline soon reached the cell where Titania was originally supposed to be imprisoned and found out that she was really gone?

The women in the cell where Titania was being held before were all mages from the Draiocht tower; hence they were very familiar with this pale individual in dark apparel who had once slaughtered many elders from their magic tower.

All of them visibly stiffened at the very sight of Eganius Cline.

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