Epoch 🎐 21

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In her dumbfoundedness, Titania couldn’t help but ask, “Are you sure you were not coerced by anyone to come here?”

One of the more talkative ladies laughed at her naive question and said, “What a ridiculous thing to ask. Why would anyone be forced to come here if they were not planning on competing with the other women for the heart of Eganius Cline? Don’t you know that Eganius Cline has a first love who he has been trying to find since the time he has set foot into the secular world? I heard that he had never seen that first love of his, and their contact has suddenly been cut off one day, and that was the very reason he come out of his thousand-year hibernation. It is such a sweet and tragic love story that it not only brought tears to the eyes of women, but also many men. So tell me, who would not be willing to take the place of his lost first love and be the Queen of the wizard domain? I know I would.”

Titania who moved the world, “.......”

“Right right? Now, we don’t mean to forge useless enmity here, but I must tell you, there is only one quota for the Tania audition, and we are all competitors for the true love of Eganius Cline at the end of the day. So, whoever gets chosen in the end, will be with their own abilities. So I hope all of you understand that and hold no bad blood between us ladies later.” One of the chattering girls said in a vigorous demeanour.  

“Of course. None of us want unnecessary troubles. So, lets make pact so that none of us should backstab each other when one of us gets chosen as the consort of Eganius Cline, Savy?” Another one chipped from the sidelines, seeming as righteous as ever.

And then, one by one, everyone voiced out their opinions and came to a nonviolent agreement, and vowed the heart vow to not violate the contract agreement.

The said Tania in the sidelines, “........”  
Then, all the girls who vowed the heart vow to not backstab each other suddenly turned to look at the speechless Titania, as if urging her to join in too.

Titania, “.........”

Under the multiple pressured gazes of the ladies around, she was ultimately forced to take the heart vow as well. The heart vow was a constraining vow which we be very detrimental to a magic user if it was breached. So, even if it was not a life-threatening vow, it would still be very disadvantageous to a magic user to break it. So, normally, very few people take the courage to break the heart vow.
Everything happened so very quickly that Tania stayed stumped where she stood by the end of this little farce, her face showing confusion of ‘Who-am-I?-Where-am-I?’

The little girl who stood beside Titania, looked at her in a weird manner, and said after a while, “You look to be very good-looking, so I think you have a greater chance of being chosen.” 
And then she lowered her head while staring at her own shoes, she said, “However, it’s a pity that your voice is hoarse and jarring, not mallow at all. I heard Mr. Eganius Cline likes sweet and soft voices the most, so you definitely have no chance.”

Titania, "!!??"

Then the girl continued, "I guess you don’t know, before I came, my master specifically told me, among these people..." She paused, and looked around to make sure that others were not paying attention to her words, and when she was sure to be safe, she continued, "There are many spies mixed in this crowd of women, in fact, none of them have the nick name Tania, all of them are disguised with a fake name. But of course, if they are lucky enough to be favored by Eganius Cline, does it matter what their names are? When that time comes, they are instructed to poison Eganius Cline so that the mages cane take the opportunity to come and seal him off in one fell swoop.”

And then the girl sighed like an old woman, and said, “In fact, they don’t have much hope in this prospect as Eganius Cline is too powerful to be so easily poisoned. Most of these ladies have come here with their own agendas.”

“What agendas?” Titania was interested now.

The girl gave her a weird look and then said, “Of course to be the Queen of Eganius Cline. Even people with blind eyes can see their great ambitions, what are you asking such a stupid question for?”
The stupefied Titania, “...........”

‘So, are you eager to become the Queen of Eganius Cline that you are ready to even dive in heedlessly into his domain? Let alone with the difficulty with becoming a Queen, are you sure that when Eganius Cline loses his mind, you will be able to resist him and escape unscathed?’ Titania gawked at the hoard of women around her, excitedly chattering off while making castles in the sky.

Was she abnormal or were they abnormal? She wondered.    

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