Epoch 🎐 44

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It had been a while since Eganius Cline had a good slumber. Most of the time, it was like he was in a semi conscious state during his sleep and would wake up at the slightest of sounds. Because of his light sleeping habits, the people of the wizard castle were always walking on egg shells because of him.

But today, strangely so, he felt his quality of sleep had improved since his past restless short naps. He was however, woken up by the persistent grinding of teeth by the person next to him.

He frowned and turned to look at the little lady by his bedside. While Egan stared at the Titania who was sleeping like a pig without a care of the world, he remembered she originally had a habit of grinding her teeth while in sleep.

During their most intimate days before, she kept him awake till late night in call, saying that she wanted to listen to his breathing during his sleep. She claimed that this was the most romantic way of couples getting along. Falling asleep while listening to each other's breath sounds was the most amorous way of getting along was what she believed.

Eganius Cline did not understand the concept of her so-called amorous getting along, but he still reluctantly agreed. Hence, during those days, he fell asleep to strange grinding sounds. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that he could not fall asleep due to those strange grinding noises.

Titania grinds her teeth occasionally and talks in her sleep, she also had the habit of rolling off her bed and falling to the ground in the middle of the night.

At first, Egan was so annoyed by the sound of grinding teeth that he hung up the call several times, but later he couldn't stand her acting like a baby and had to give into her at the end. Hence soon, after listening to the grinding of her teeth a few more times, he could finally get used to the noise.

In a nutshell, Tania was a very chaotic heavy sleeper. Like right now, one of her legs was on top of Eganius Cline and her hands were wide open, like one of her arms suddenly thrashed and slapped Egan's forehead.

Eganius Cline, "..............."

Titania on the other hand, was having a recurring nightmare.

She dreamt about Eganius Cline again. This time she was dreaming about Eganius Cline strapping her up with handcuffs onto a bed and slowly turning over the previous accounts and torturing her for all her frauds, subterfuge and trickery.

She was patently sweating and subconsciously grabbed hold onto Egan's hair and tugged hard. It was a cold and silky feeling. His hair felt really smooth to the touch. And unwittingly so, she got closer to the guy and started groping for more of that silky touch.

Eganius Cline who eventually woke up due to all the tug of war on his bed, "............."

He leisurely looked at the restless little girl on his bed and with a soft sigh; he commenced to slowly detaching his suffering hair from her insufferable petite fingers.

However in the process, the said little girl finally awoken from her mindless slumber and was staring at Eganius Cline with a terror-stricken look, as if her cowardly soul had already left her body.

Where was she? Who was she? Who can tell her how was she here?

"Oh. Since you are already awake, mind letting go? I want to sleep a little bit longer." Eganius Cline spoke in a mundane manner, his eyes however devoid of any sleepiness; they were only a pair of shining beads of obsidian.

And after seeing Eganius Cline so close at hand, Titania's first reaction was tantamount to waking up and finding there was a cockroach on her body. Her body unconsciously shivered in response and she arched away from him in sheer desperation, consequently hitting the nearest wall with her back. She stuck to the wall like a lizard, even retracting her neck as far as possible, all the while staring at Eganius Cline in absolute horror.

Mommy! Was she still half asleep and having a nightmare or a hallucination perhaps? In what kind of crazy situation had she gotten herself into now?

Titania gulped.

Eganius Cline, who was lazily lying on the bed, slowly got up. But his eyes never left her. At first, Egan did not plan on doing anything to Titania since he was too lazy to even bother. But looking at her frightened like a little animal at the very sight of him suddenly got him interested.

The more he stared at her, the more interesting she became in his eyes. And so, like a cold dangerous snake, he silently approached her, with a terrible sense of oppression that his whole existence brought along with it.

The closer he got to her, the more she tried to escape him, receding further back in the furthest corner of the king size bed.

For Egan, it was like a game of cat and mouse. It was so interesting to him that he slowed down his movement just to see her jump out of her skin.

Inexplicably so, Eganius Cline's mood elevated early in the morning and he chuckled quietly.

The trembling Titania, who saw Egan smile for the very first time, was stunned still, as though petrified in her place. She could only ogle at the dangerous beautiful man as if she had lost her soul all over again, momentarily forgetting her fear of him.

Egan, who was put into a very good mood by the little Titania looked at her star-trucked expression and said with a pleased voice, "You were grinding your teeth during your sleep."

'Hah!?' Titania was really dumbfounded this time around.

Did... did he just insult her sleeping self?

Why did she never know that she grinds her teeth in her sleep? No! Even if Eganius Cline complained and slandered her of her teeth grinding habit, could she still afford to quarrel with this gangster!?

"You were also thrashing around in bed, and I fear if you had not woken up in time, all my hair might've been torn off into baldness by you." Egan muttered in a very telltale manner.

Titania, "....?!!!"

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