Deep in the snow 3/3

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O-oh! You don't have to worry about it... It was just something I always forget..
Tommy replied nervously.

You seemed to be referring to a person,tommy. Not something.
Phil relied back at Tommy.

Techno glanced at Ranboo, and he seemed that he was as nervous as the blonde, but also worried and scared?

Ranboo, do you have some connections to what he was saying?
He asked the half enderman.

Ranboo flinched and he looked at the male nervously and answered.

Sorry T-Techno, even if I had some connections.... I wouldn't be able to remember.
He said.

Okay then....
Techno's suspicion grew.

I-i can't tell you.....
The blonde said while looking at the ground

Why not?!?
Phil accidentally yelled at Tommy causing the boy to flinch too hard.

Phil said as he realised how the boy flinched.

Oh yeah....uhm I should get going now.... People would be suspicious of me if I don't return...
Tommy said while standing up.

You can stay here for the night,you know.

No thanks, I'm ok with going back there.
Tommy reassured them

But it's gonna be a long time to go back. And it will probably be midnight if you returned.
Ranboo said.

It took a while but they managed to convinced the blonde to stay the night.

When I said convinced, I meant Techno actually hugging Tommy very tightly and not letting him go. And Ranboo was dying out of laughter while Tommy's face was red.

And of course Philza took a picture.



It was already night time and Phil and Tommy were sleeping.

Meanwhile Techno was watching Ranboo, he still had suspicion on him. He quietly followed the boy until he stopped and was very far away from the cottage.

He saw a dark figure appearing from thin air.

Sorry for making you walk all this way....
The person said. The voice was familiar to techno. But another person came out of thin air and put a hand on the other's shoulder.

You have no idea how much this nerd  wanted to talk to you.
The person said.

Now, that voice was familiar to him. Too familiar to him.

Don't worry about it, S. It was a good thing that the people I was with were asleep.
Ranboo said.

Wait! How are they?!?! Are they okay?!? I heard what HE did to him. PLEASE TELL ME THEIR OKAY?!?!
the girl asked.

Uhm.....calm down M...
Ranboo was cut off by her again.

M was silenced by S by patting her head.

Calm down, they didn't found out. And if you were to kill them right now, it would make the others in the base believe we are murderes. And you are making Ranboo here nervous.
S said.

Sorry.... I'm just stressed and me being his-
Midnight was cut off by the both of them.

O-okay now, even if we are alone... You can't just say that out loud!
Both of them said in unison.

Techno was curious about what she was about to say. Who was she referring to? Is she connected to Tommy.

Techno pov

Who the hell was she referring to? Is she the person who Tommy was saying to not forget? And S..... I can't believe it.... We were once allies then turned to enemies..... And now you are speaking to one of the people who I consider as a good friend.

I was cut off from my thoughts when she spoke.

Do you still have that book with you? If so, was it helpful with your condition?
She asked.

'Wait, they were the people who have him the book?!?!' techno thought.

Soo.... When's the you
Ranboo asked and he made sure that the it was not gonna be mentioned.

A couple of months.
S said.

No one pov

After all..... Those tyrants deserve to die..
S said with venom.

Anyway, since we all had managed to catch up.. it's best for you to go back now.
M said to them.

Yeah... I should. They would ask me where I went anyway....
Ranboo said while scratching the back of his head.

Techno was about to follow him but he heard S speak.

M, you go back. I'll follow you later.
S said and M followed the order and disappeared.

Techno stayed and stared at her.

Do you think it's rude to keep staring at me than facing me?
S said and looked and locked eyes with him.

You got me....
Techno revealed himself and began to walk towards her.

I never thought the blood god himself would eavesdrop another people's conversation.
S said while still looking straight at techno.

I never thought that the goddess of contracts and chaos would be talking with one of my good friends..... And here i thought that you hate me...
Techno said back

Oh i still hate you but me and your little friend have more history than you and him had ever had. I mean, i was the person who helped him figure out some of his memories choosing sides doesn't help anyone if you are or not.
S said.

People would always end up manipulating those people who are weaker than them no matter what there is no sides that are good or bad and i never thought that you would still forgive your own brother after betraying him.

The next time we meet, Blood will be shed.

And then she disappeared.

Sleepy Bois inc oneshots!! (Mostly Tommyinnit)Where stories live. Discover now