Important message from me

460 18 10

I am sorry, looks like updates will be much slower....

Here's the reason:

I am only 13, yes a 13 years old. And I just witness what children should never see.

And it had to be near Christmas... My parents fought.

They fought a lot whenever we go to our grandparent's house on my dad's side of the family. But this time it is the worst one.

I'm not giving the whole detail but my stupid dad said they were over. Not only that, he even said that it was my mom's fault for everything and said she had embarrassed him Infront of his family, and that he was trying to fix his family.

He was literally the one who went with his brother who can't even take care of his own family.

Wanna know what's worse? My grandmother defended my dad. Now you might be questioning this;
What's wrong with her for defending her son?

Well there are two:

First, she would defend himeven if his in the wrong.
And second, she wasn't supposed to be a part of the argument. Why? Because it would cause more trouble.

Now he even had the audacity to say that MY MOM brainwashed ME.

Was he blind?!?! She loved him. So much... Even when my grandma in my mom's side and my dad didn't like eachother, my mom stayed with him and tried to make them not angry with eachother.

I have two siblings, both boys, and I am the youngest.

My oldest brother didn't like our dad at all, because he saw from he was young about how he acted.

After the fight and making go under pressure to pick who I stay with, which is my mom, Me and her didn't want to see him and went to the bus. I didn't want to see him again.

But after everything, I don't think I might be able to think straight for a while.

I have exams next week too, great.

My mom is crying in the other because she didn't want to be in the room where he sleeps in.

So yeah, once again I am deeply sorry

Thank you for listening, goodbye.

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