Unfortunate Lost

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There is one more chapter before Tommy's wings growth experience

Ages (random)

Phil 29 and a half

Technoblade 15 (4 mins older)

Wilbur 15

€}$^× 13

Tommy 6 and a half

Wilbur had been practicing to fly everyday when the first month of his wings grew. Both of his younger siblings were amazed by them.

€}$^× had grown her wings when she was 10. But it seemed that she can't control them enough to fly yet. But Tommy had yet to grow his. He and his dad both thought he was a late boomer. Children from 6 to 16 grow their wings.

Techno had recently took interest in combat. When he told his father, his dad was willing to teach him to train. But Wilbur didn't want to train despite being asked by his older brother. He liked taking care of €}$^× and Tommy while his sibling and father train.

Phil and techno were training as usual while tommy and €}$^× were talking about random things, when a crow suddenly flew their way. When Phil saw the crow, he told techno to pause the training and reached his arm out to the crow, making it land on the raven man's arm.

Wilbur noticed and walked closer to his dad and so did techno. The  girl and the small boy were too distracted to notice what was happening.

What's that?
Wilbur asked, not knowing what bird it was and Techno looked at him with a disappointed look.

Before Phil can answer though, the crow began flapping it's wings and began cawing.
Both of the brothers didn't understand what it was saying but they glanced at their dad and he seemed to understand what is was saying.

Tell him that we accept and we'll be there tomorrow.
Phil said to the crow and it flew away. Then Phil turned to both of sons who were confused.

What was that?!!!?
Wilbur shouted causing the two children to hear and walked to Wilbur.

It's just something avians can understand, Wilbur. Oh! And prepare some of your clothes---
Phil was cut off by Techno.

Who sent it? And why are we packing? Where are we going?
Techno asked.

I was about to say that the letter was from your great grandfather! He said that we should stay at his holiday home for a week because he is free from duties in the Antarctic kingdom.
Phil said excitedly.

So what you are saying is that we are meeting someone who is older than you???
Wilbur said smugly while his father looked at him with a similar disappointed look.

Timeskip to the cottage cuz me lazy.

The first day of being in the holiday home of the king of the Antarctic kingdom was amazing to the four children. They all got to meet their grandfather again after months. When their grandfather told them to pick their own room, that's when they immediately scurried to the rooms to see if they like it.

Phil had talked to his dad about some old times and some good memories he had with them. He even told the time when he had to stop Wilbur multiple times from eating sand.

Unfortunately the 4th day, their grandad had to return because of an emergency about something and had to leave immediately. Tommy was sad because he enjoyed the times when they cause a bit of trouble to his siblings.

The fifth day.....

Techno had awoken first and went downstairs to see if there is something to eat. When he began going down the stairs, he smelled food. When he peeked who was cooking, he saw his dad cooking some pancakes and some waffles. Phil sensed someone and turned around and saw techno looking straight at his eyes.

Sleepy Bois inc oneshots!! (Mostly Tommyinnit)Where stories live. Discover now