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Hello again! I'm starting a book (once again) about the Septic egos, sometimes Iplier egos as well! Please enjoy and READ THE RULES.

1) I allow anything between the themes of: Fluff, angst and smut. (Which will be occasional but nothing too detailed).
2) Any sensitive topics will be tagged in the following chapters.
3) I take requests! Headcanons, short story ideas and I'll make sure to write them up.
4) Please don't rush me. I'm not okay with being pressured into something that can wait. Creative writing takes time, so does mental health.
6) Please enjoy yourselves! This is a safe place to anyone.


Hey there. I'd like to be referred as 'Keen' or 'Keeny' since I'd like my personal information kept private. I'm a minor, so please be careful with what you submit or say (I may not be affected but it's wrong and clearly irresponsible). My pronouns are 'They/them', but it's alright if you misgender me. As long as you learn from that mistake, I'll be fine! :)
My favourite egos are Marvin and Henrik! Third running has to be Anti because of the hyp-

Anyways... Enjoy and have fun!

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