[JSE EGOS] Angst headcanons:

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-TW: Alcohol and trauma-
[:] Chase is always the ego to isolate himself when something goes wrong.
[:] Jameson avoids eye contact after the incidents with Anti. He can't- it makes him anxious and scared.
[:] Marvin often finds himself doubting actions and would always back away, thinking he'll never be strong enough to face the problem.
[:] Henrik checks his pulse every minute, making sure he wasn't being controlled or living a dream.
[:] Jackie gets flashbacks to certain moments where he'd watch trauma unfold. It leaves him silent and miserable.
[:] Anti would laugh at their pain, pushing more struggles onto them and watches the egos breakdown but doesn't do anything to help.
[:] Marvin doesn't take shit from anyone and would fight, even if he was in the wrong.
[:] Jamie believes it was his own fault that being possessed happened. He wants to believe it wasn't because he was weak.
[:] Chase can't drink water or anything else without tasting the sense of alcohol. Even if it wasn't alcohol. It forever haunts him.
[:] Henrik doesn't know how to trust people, including himself. He's very hesitant when it comes to saving lives and would sometimes cower in the corner, thinking he'd fail.
[:] Jackie is the only ego keeping the others stable but his own demons would often shame him.

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