[JSE EGOS] Bedrooms:

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His room will come with many posters on the walls and ceilings. Except coloured fairly lights around the bed and windows. His bed will always be messy, either black or dark purple (no in between). Like mentioned before, his room is covered. Mostly rock bands and horror movie posters, nothing out of the ordinary. However! He does have spray painted all over his door, creating a more chaotic bedroom. But this is Anti, it's normal.


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He's never in his room much (not unless he has a depressive episode in which this room would be covered in bottles) Nevertheless, his room would be modern, small and easy going. Comfy covers and some abstract black and white pictures on the walls. Above his desk would be some drawings his kids made (a long time ago). There would be shoes all over the floor and sometimes socks, nothing unusual.


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He prefers cosy types. Something bright that would be create for his plants. A small yet comfy bed would be beside the window where his plants would be on display. On the floor would be a very clean carpet, you'd find nothing (literally no shoes, clothes. Nothing!) On it. Sometimes he'd store blankets beneath his small desk where he stores his bowties and hats.


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He likes the city types bedroom. The usual brick walls and modern couches that would be in the room. There would also be guitars but he'd never play them, only for decoration and the atmosphere. He'd claim the room with the biggest windows (for obvious reasons...). There would be posters and frames neatly placed on the walls. A typical New York type bedroom which a 17 year old would have.


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Like Chase, he isn't in his room much. Mostly never! He's almost asleep at his desk every night so yes, his bed would be cold and very tidy. One wall would be painted dark navy blue while the others would stay white with framed pictures. It almost looks like a hotel room, feels like it. However, he does have a nice view from his window.

 However, he does have a nice view from his window

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Exactly like the picture below, his bedroom would be COVERED. There would be clothes hanging up on his bed frames, along with home made lights, feathers and witchcraft decorations. His bed would be covered with blankets and unnecessary amount of pillows. His walls would be FILLED with notes, photographs and train tickets from a good day out (we all did that at some point). There would be fairly lights everywhere.


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He prefers something calm and easy going. Nice white walls with a few decorations. He also hates big rooms, which would be the reason for his small room. A cosy bed in the corner, next to a nightstand where a fake plant would stand. He pretends to be like Jameson and his plants so the egos had to get him fake ones (real ones wouldn't last long enough for Robbie's liking). There would be a few toys in the corner and drawings he pinned up on the walls.

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