[ANTISEPTICEYE] Daily routine:

128 6 4

//WARNING: A bit of gore, may trigger dissociation (anxiety)//

Anti was wiping some blood off his rather sharp knife, turning his head to smirk towards the reflection of where the mirror was placed. He made no eye contact though, just stared in that direction. Near you... However, the knife was placed down upon the metal table with a huge sound. *clink*. Now Anti had your attention.
"Welcome brats. Suddenly so interested in my life? How petty..." He whispered the last part darkly, now standing from his place. "You get what you deserve. Nothing."

Everything went black.


Something similar to the smell of bitterness and bleach awoken you from what seems to be a fatal series of crime. You were sitting on a wooden chair with leather straps holding your legs and arms down. It seemed like something you'd find online when researching about medieval punishments... It was that horrific. Especially when... Brownish, red stained blood could be identified throughout your observation of the chair. Nevertheless, your surroundings were faint and blurry. Considering the troubled fall you had when Anti knocked you out cold, it was expected. But why would he do this exactly? Well, this is Antisepticeye. He isn't what you see him as... Neither what you think he is... Antisepti-

"Good afternoon."
A voice interrupted your deep thoughts, breaking that focus until you lifted your head. Somehow nothing was to be seen. Plain, blank darkness. You could clearly tell that the walls were sound proof since that raspy voice didn't echo back at you. It also sounded very close by, predicting his sick games. Not really surprising...

Soon enough, a shadow appeared right beside your visual sights. It stood there. Not moving an inch. The atmosphere was rather uneasy and destructive- it also gotten more cold by the time the shadow appeared. Coincident or not, it was painful to watch.
After a moment of complete silence, a clicking could be heard by your right ear. It didn't make sense... The shadow was on your left? That was certain. You could see it. The sound, however, could be coming from all directions but you were surely positive that it came from the right.

A flicker could be heard now. It was loud, almost deafening. It was right by your ear... The heat, the sound and the sense. Your mind would be going wild at the sudden movements and actions, especially when you could still see the shadow... It still hasn't moved an inch. That only leaves you to think... Who is right by your ear?-

That may be the last thing you heard before the sensation of heat crawling beneath your skin. Anti set fire to you. With the flicker of his match, the world around you would dissolve into darkness. Harshly, obviously. No one would like to be burnt to death but sadly, he just knew your ways.
Now that you could see your skin melting and exposing gory bubbles of your blood, it was now a wish to die. Your eyes would be closed, praying to whoever was out there that it would all be all over soon...

"It'll never be over."

Somewhat... Peace...
It must of worked. You must of died, right? Where else would you be? You couldn't feel anything. Nothing was burning. Nothing could be heard.
Of course, the thoughts in your head would only grow louder since there was nothing to distract you. It was almost like the fire burnt away your nerves.
Hold on...
You couldn't move your pinkie... Not a single finger? That can't be right.
Not even your leg?
What the hell is going on?
What is happening?
Why is this happening?
Where am I?

"We are all... Puppets~"

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