[DARKIPLIER] Maybe if?:

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Maybe if you were smart enough.
Smart enough not to follow his orders.
His sickly lies that would haunt you.
What else could you do?
That was his decision.
You couldn't step away, no.
He'd persuade you back.
For what reason? You are nothing to him.
That was the truth.
You were trapped within the walls of his fixed mind.
Phycological depth to be exact.
It was like wires were pulling you down.
Down his desired, sociopathic life.

Maybe if you disagreed the first time.
Maybe then, you wouldn't be in this situation.
Now the only thing that you can hear is him.
Whether you are sick of it.
You can't escape it.
He was a devil of his own ways... Lawfully skilled.
Even if you could overcome that constant fear of being ruled over.
His words would only break you back down.
Humiliate you.
Make you seem weak and foolish.

Maybe if you could ask for help.
The help would safely draft a distance between life and death.
Between you and him.
The help which would advice you from his lies.
The lies that wouldn't escape.
Maybe if the help would set you free.
From his traps...

"Maybe if you followed my orders, you wouldn't be in this situation. Maybe if you didn't ask for help. You knew you couldn't escape."
Dark stood in front of you. His hands calmly holding a glass of red wine- his favourite. Normally the drink he'd offer during... Requests.

"What if you could help me again?"
His voice, the toxicity running through your veins, caused another load of guilt to trespass.
"I'll give you a better deal."

You watched his facial expressions, finding no sign of emotions that would tell you the lie or truth. He was just... There. You couldn't risk anything and that would include refusing.
He'll always find his way...
That deal though.
What sort of deal would it be?
He didn't say... Was that the red flag? Should you turn back?

"If you don't mind me asking... Are you able to understand me?"
Dark impatiently said, tapping his feet to pressure you. His eyes were glued to yours.
"I presume you are thinking about the decision. Very well."
He stood up from his seat, revealing the white suit that ensured his control and power. He had to seem professional... That was one of his tricks.

There it goes!
Your ability to think for yourself.
This happens every time you fail to comprehend one of his orders.
He accepts for you.
Leaves you with no choice...

"The silence would tell me you accepted?"
Dark hummed after a while. You'd be nodding.
"Excellent. I'll be sure to find a better pay for you."
His smirk widened.

What if he wouldn't?
Well, that isn't your choice anymore

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