[MARVIN THE MAGNIFICENT] It's okay, I'm just a freak:

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"Fucking freak!"

"What even are you?"


"Lunatic, I'm telling you!"

"What a fucking train wreck."

"Just shut up."

Marvin had his chest pressed against the creased sheets. His hands covered his ears, blocking out the constant thought of the words that has been aimed at him before. It was deafening. Marvin felt like sucking himself out of the world, isolating in a black void where no one could tell him who he was. Never in his life had words broke him so much.
He was bullied in his younger years yet that didn't bother him. Marvin was strong-minded but after the collision of who he became, it all screwed up and got thrown into the bin.
The magician never felt so violated or controlled. He wants to be a witch, someone that would connect with the worlds energy. Somehow that's classed as being a freak. A word that triggers his fight or flight.

The magician groaned, sitting up to face the open door where Chase stood. He looked concerned at the sight.
"What's wrong?" His voice was remorse and quiet.

Marvin shook his head. "Nothing, I'm fine." He turned over, making his back face the fatherly ego who just sighed. Chase slowly walked over and tapped on the magician's head.

"Hey, I'm worried about you." He whispered. "You've been trapped in your room for how long? Everyone downstairs is getting suspicious." Marvin grabbed his attention around the quote 'suspicious'. The amount of times he had tried to reduce his temper but nothing worked.

"Suspicious? Yeah, alright." Marvin snapped, crossing his eyes to meet with Chase's. "Just suspicious? Is that what you call it? You might as well call me a fucking freak! Society these days. People find out you're into witchcraft or Satanism and they'd call you a fucking fraud and hooligan. Real nice! I bet Henrik is glad that the bad attention has got to me after his 'accidental' murde-" "MARVIN!"

The magician was cut off when Chase grabbed the egos hand, breaking his intoxicating words. "Stop, for god sake." Marvin noticed that tears were starting to swell. Chase's nostrils were flared, obviously holding back emotions.

"I- Chase." Marv carefully said. "Why are you crying?"

"Because I'm sorry for you." He whispered back, not looking up from the floor. This comment only made them both silent. It was small but significant in the name of their friendship. Chase was the only one who could sense Marv's real thoughts... Only because they've been through a lot of pain. Together.

"It's okay, I'm just a freak." Marvin agreed to the dark self esteem, finally shaking hands to a voice that told him all of the insults. He wanted to stay powerful. Stay strong, for everyone including himself. Only this would make him a freak.
He knows it.
Everyone does.

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