[JSE EGOS] Accents/languages:

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-Feel free to comment any headcanons and I'll write them out!-

[.] His native language is Irish but he can also speak English (as we all know). But with a very heavy accent.
[.] He learns other languages as well- German, French and Latin.
[.] But he'd speak Irish to himself and would forget English words, somewhat calling them Irish words. (confusing the egos).

[.] He is fluent in English and French.
[.] So his accent can be a mixture of both, depending who he is around.
[.] He also learnt Latin and Hebrew- due to his hobbies (witchcraft).

[.] Pure German blood.
[.] He has a very strong accent that you would find it hard to understand him sometimes.
[.] He can speak English though but like Anti, he struggles to pronounce and remember certain words.

[.] He is an American boy.
[.] Struggles to learn other languages but is an expert on sign language.
[.] Does understand what people from other countries are saying but can't speak it himself.

[.] American and Irish boy.
[.] He knows a bit of Irish but mainly speaks with an American accent. Sometimes his voice would turn Irish (Like Sean).
[.] Similar to Chase, he understands but fails to speak whatever language he was hoping to say.

[.] He is mute so he would be speaking in sign language.
[.] However, if he wasn't mute, Jamie would of had a fine British accent.
[.] That outspoken and calming one which would help make you feel comfortable.

[.] Irish and Latin.
[.] He struggles with English which would be the cause of his development.
[.] Robbie has an Irish accent but can speak perfect Latin, surprising Marvin who would feel pressured at the competition.

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