[MARVIN THE MAGICIAN] Daily routine:

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Marvin splashed his face with water before looking at himself in the mirror. A small smile would plaster across that smug face of his.
"Welcome to my personal blog." He greeted. "Today we will be living the life of me! Marvin the magnificent. It's a pleasure to show my wonderous times."
He soon wiped his face dry and walked away.


It was 7:30am. Too early for me since I normally doze off until the afternoon, who doesn't? Extra sleep is needed! But I do need to earn money because... Adulthood is a right scam. Anyways, where was I? Oh! Yes!
I normally get up just before 8am, that would include washing myself and picking out my clothes for the day. I HAVE to wear something suitable for a performance or I'd get shamed... The life of being too fabulous. A real bummer.
Nevertheless! I leave the house to go grab myself some fresh coffee. Caramel and whipped cream is a must. The café workers probably know my orders of my heart! That's when you know, you're an adult...
Right, so I can't drive which would mean I have to take the bus. Luckily, Jackie got me a bus pass since he got fed up with me phoning up and asking for money. I should thank him more often but forget that part.

*Marvin pauses, trying to find his words*

Oh yes! I always sit at the back. You know, watching all the oldies and scary teens own the front. The back is for people who refuse to socialise and normally finds themselves listening to music. I'm one apart of that crowd. The amount of times some elderly lady walks up and asks to sit next to me... I can't find personal space anymore!
It would be a bumpy ride, soon arriving at my workplace. Also known as the area where I set up my stand!... I'M NOT A PUBLIC ENTERAINER. I'M A MAGICIAN. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. MAGIC IS ART.

*He sighed*

Anyways... It normally takes about half an hour to set up. Jackie swings by and helps for a bit then always leaves before my show begins. Talk about being rude? Oh well... This is where I show off my talent. Can't say many people understand but Christ! Kids do know how to waste their pocket money, I'm rich! Count me lucky!
I always wait until it gets dark. I have to mention the breaks in between. I can't last an hour without something to eat, like come on-

*He slides some cheese crackers into his mouth*

I would get quite a lot of money from shows. Although it isn't much, I can still pay off my bills and all. Nothing too bad.
I would soon catch the bus home, always being greeted by the same bus driver. He loves me! I think... I'm not sure about yesterday. He did catch me trying to get on without paying but you couldn't miss the chance!
By the time it would be 9pm, I would arrive back home where... I'd have movie nights with Chase! Yes. EVERYNIGHT.
So, we'd watch all sorts of movies. Horror to sad ones, comedy to action movies. It's a blast! That would be until he has to go home or he'd literally crash out on my couch. Not like it's illegal! It's better to sleep at your own house, we can all agree on that.

*Marvin grins, shaking his head*

I normally practice witchcraft until 3am. Yeah. 3am. Even then, I don't sleep much. Oh well! So I crash out around that time then wake up later, depending on the weekends and weekdays. Sometimes I fall asleep at midnight knowing I have to be up early... Bullshit, to be honest.
ANYWAYS! That's the life of me. MARVIN!

*He claps*

I thought it was more exciting but I guess not... Never mind! It's more exciting than Henrik's, that's for sure. All he does is sit around and answer emails which would mostly be replying to memes that Doctor Iplier sent him. Yes, I know EVERYTHING.
Considering the time, I have to get to work... Yes... It's 7am right now and I started this blog at... 4am...

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