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The day was starting to get dark. Robbie's room was dimply lit with nightlights and candles that Marvin got for him. The heater was on considering the frightful temperatures on the winters forecast but luckily the house was all warm and cosy. Everyone else was downstairs, watching movies or consuming their own interests for the sake of entertainment. Well, that would include Henrik... Sharpening scalpels and cleaning needles to reduce boredom? Yeah, let's change the subject for now-

"J-Jay." The zombie called out from under the covers. "M-Monsters. No." He tried to explain his fear of the dark... Presumably 'monsters' after watching a horror movie with Anti that day. They all knew he shouldn't but the zombie insisted he needed to spend time with the glitch. Nevertheless, it ended on a serious note. Robbie had a small breakdown, Anti got separated since he tried to help but come on... He only made it worse; "Hey! Come one. They were zombies! You are a zombie so you maybe ate people alive!" Hmm, great choice of words Anti. Real smart.

Jameson adjusted the hat on his head, walking towards the bed and got himself on the empty space Rob left him. He slowly took off the covers so he could see the zombie's face. Robbie had a fearful pout, lips trembling and eyebrows narrowed.
"N-No. Save R-Robbie!" He cried after being exposed. The mute sighed, putting the covers back over Rob. He only wanted to sign towards the zombie.

Soon there was a knock at the door, causing Robbie to whimper. Jamie sat up to answer whoever interrupted Rob's bedtime hour. It was Henrik. He seemed to be holding a cup of water and whiteboards.
"Sorry." Henrik apologised for his late appearance, closing the door behind him. "I've got some water to Robbie and a whiteboard in case you'd like to write something for him." The doctor knew the struggles of being mute so he'd gratefully supply chalkboards, whiteboards, books about sign languages.

Jamie shook his head, smiling. 'Don't worry.' He'd sign after taking the board. Robbie still 'protected' himself with the duvets, leaving Henrik to smile gently.
"Still not settling down?" The German asked, not expecting an answer from either of the egos. He gently placed himself beside the zombie, stroking whatever he could feel since Rob was covered.

The sound of a marker colliding with the board made Robbie peek his head around. He tiredly watched Jameson write something down.
"There's our brave boy." Henrik smiled towards the sight of puffy, purple hair.

After a few moments, Jamie turned the whiteboard over. The words; 'Maybe some calming music would help Robbie fall asleep?'. Although the zombie wasn't good at reading, he understood a few words which adds up to create the mutes question. Both Henrik and Robbie nodded, causing Jameson to smiled brightly. He loved sharing records to the egos.

Soon enough, the mute came stumbling back into the room with CD's and records. Henrik was too busy sorting out Robbie's messy hair, having the habit of combing it with his fingers but the zombie didn't mind. He found it relaxing, to everyone's surprise. Now that music was playing, Jameson was gently dancing around the room but his moves were smooth and calm. Henrik watched with a grin, rubbing Robbie's arm to give him comfort.

The music went on until they found Rob fast asleep in bed, cuddling up against his covers that was once his 'protection'. Both Henrik and Jamie sighed in success, both now exhausted from staying up late with Robbie. The night was silent, leaving the two egos to settle down... Henrik tried to sleep but ended up replying to emails on his computer and Jameson crashed out on his bed. It was peaceful and they wanted to keep it this way.

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