[JSE EGOS] Halloween:

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"Halloween." Henrik whispered to himself, allowing his glasses to slide down his nose with every blink. "Halloween..." He repeated.

Chase was sitting in the corner, playing with the glass that held some sort of alcohol beverage. He seemed low. Eyes droopy, mouth turning, nose painted red while his hat covered his blonde fringe. 
Henrik noticed his state and sighed, leaving his place from the kitchen and moved towards to where the fatherly figure sat. The doctor didn't say anything but watched the sun fall out of the window, waiting for morning to come. Since this is the night he dreads. 

"Why can't Marvin check up on Sean?" Chase slowly muttered. 

It was an idea but Henrik knew Marvin was also up to no good. Considering the sight he saw last year, Halloween is the time he properly shows what he's capable of. 
"Yes but I think he is busy."

"Busy with what? Waiting for people to die. We are screwed, Schneep. Fucking scre-" "I'd watch your tone if I was you." The doctor interrupted the egos negative words, frowning deeply.

"I know you're giving up but don't lose hope yet. It's only just gotten dark. We are not alone." Henrik whispered as his blue eyes would flicker green.

Chase noticed and backed away within a second, suddenly feeling like the drunk aspects of his addiction was wasted and dropped. He never reacted so fast, holding the chair to his temple, protecting himself with rapid breathing. "STAY BACK."

Henrik's pale figure began smirking widely, representing the grin who washed Chase's dreams away. From his career to his family, his happiness to his failing will to live. 

The ego squeezed his eyes closed, allowing his last name to echoed throughout his mind until he woke up in cold sweat. Gripping onto his pillow for the life of him.
The nightmare struct him so hard that his vision had not yet came back, he was living the moment until his bedroom door slammed open.

"Chase!" A voice called out. "Come one man, open your eyes, look at me!"

His eyes were forced open, managing to see Jackie who had the brightest eyes out of them all. "Slow down!" 
Chase gulped, blinking rapidly. "W-What." 

"You were having a bad dream, lad. Take a deep breath for me, yeah?" 
It was light outside, obviously meaning that Chase woke up mid afternoon due to his addiction... Following by the empty cans and bottles on the floor. A nasty sight really.

"Is it H-Halloween?" He whispered to himself but Jackie nodded as an answer. 

"Yeah. You always get these nightmares every Halloween?" 

"Because of him."

Jackie sighed, tilting his head. "I keep asking who this 'him' is. But neither you, Henrik or Jamie would answer." He said in concern. "Whoever he is, whatever he has done. He's not here."

"He's always here." Chase argued back. "He's always watching-" "Chhaseee!" 
Jackie muttered, patting the dads shoulder. "He isn't here."

"He'll never be here, not when I am here to protect you all."

"You can trust me."

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