[JSE EGOS] The screaming room:

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-Just a random idea: Marvin screams to release his emotions-

Marvin was tracing his steps in the hallway, biting his fingers anxiously and couldn't stop moving. His breathing only quickened when the door opposite him opened.


Jackie stood there, fully concerned at his friend who seemed to be on the urge of tears. He held the door opened and leaned against it. "What's wrong?"

Marvin gulped. "C-Could I just scream?" He blurted out, staring into Jackie's confused eyes- earning a rather slow nod in which the magician held his chest and breathed out in relief. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He protested.

"Why do you need to scream?" Jackie frowned sadly and took a step forward. "Is there anything wrong? I could he-" "No, no. I just need to scream." Marvin cuts him off, holding out his hands. The hero was still concerned but approached his room again, closing the door a bit so he could lend Marv some privacy.

The magician took a deep breath before bending over and screaming loudly. His voice crackled and his veins pulsed against the nerves tracked within his forehead and neck. His eyes were squeezed shut, obviously blocking any light out. Marvin didn't stop until he turned blue and breathless.

Jackie watched from the doorway and blinked. "Are you... Better now?" He asked quietly. Marvin stood up straight, wiping away a tear and nodding his head. His hands reached out to dust his clothes off.

"Yes, I feel better." He smiled. At least that made Jackie more happy about the situation. Marvin noticed he closed his bedroom door shut and rested his own head back with a resting face. Sometimes screaming can help and it works for Marvin. Very well.

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