[SCHNEEPLESTEIN] Being the doctor:

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People wonder why I act the way I am.
They question my sanity to the point of judging what I happen to do.
Like most would think, you don't know what's going through another person's mind. Yet they refuse to acknowledge those who are struggling.

I have to suffer the grief of families who lost their loved ones.
I watch lives slowly fade away, knowing it was my job to save them.
I dream about blood staining my hands, reminding me of those who never said goodbye.
I witness people begging for their lives after an attempt of escaping it.
Everything a doctor does, comes with a price.

I still hear the screaming and crying of those who lost people they cared for.
I put all my strength to save these people, whether it was a freak accident or planned death.
The world is a cruel place, yet I chose to watch the works of true wrath happen.
I never sleep, never eat. I can't. It's hard to.
The feeling of the world relying on your shoulders will soon break your back.
I hate physical affection but I hug the patients who knew it was their time to go.
I watch them plan out their funerals, saying farewell before witnessing their last few breaths.

The time I finally rest, I wonder just how lucky I am to be something important.
I'm lucky to be a healthy person who's willing to help others.
As much as my personal life hurts, I'd never waste the moment to make someone else smile.
Growing up, I thought being a doctor would be paperwork or occasional check ups.
Oh, was I wrong...
You either cry blood or sweat tears.

The stages of your life can be driven to success, happiness and pride.
We were all born with a motivation, whether you'd like to be a teacher or you want to be a pilot.
Having a good outlook can change everything, even if you experience the worse.
Now that I've seen everything that could go wrong.
I can't rewind my decisions.

Stay safe.
-Henrik Von Schneeplestein.

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