[JSE EGOS] What's hidden underneath:

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"Jameson is just quiet. He likes keeping himself to himself. I don't think there is anything he needs to worry about." Marvin breathed out as he collapsed onto the couch, right next to Chase who nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. I mean, he's just naturally happy. I've never seen him shred a tear before. Besides, there's nothing that could go wrong, right?" He responded, turning his head to face the magician. It took some time to comprehend Chase's question. It was hard to judge a persons look when you don't exactly know their heart.

Marvin shrugged. "No. Nothing much." Soon enough, the two egos focussed on the doctor who asked about Jamie in the first place. Henrik was nervously picking on his fingers after realising they stood up Jameson at the movies. All of them planned to go there but no one told the mute that it was cancelled.

"Are you su-" "Henrik, he's fine. It's Jameson for gods sake!" Marvin laughed in advance, not even looking in Schneep's direction. "He'd never think of us like that."

'What is the context of... never'

at no time in the past or future; not ever:
"they had never been camping in their lives"
at no time, not at any time, not ever, not once, on no occasion.
'always, forever'

'At no time in the past or future, not ever.'
'at no time, not at any time, not ever, not once, on no occasion'
'He'd NEVER think of us like that.'

"Oh... That is far from the truth. Marvin."


He just arrived at his front door, currently finding the right key as he stood there in silence. It was raining, to his luck but he managed to walk in before getting soaked.
His house was warm, welcoming and pleasant. The green, healthy plants were lined up on the window. His cream, fluffy carpet welcomed his feet as he took off his dirty shoes, placing them into a cupboard beside the front door. He turned on the lights, presenting the wooden aesthetic of his humble home.
Everything was clean and natural. Not a single fake or plastic item in sight. He liked natural things.

Jameson walked up the narrow stairs, soon meeting with the bedroom door in which he entered. Everything he does was gentle... He disliked it. He disliked the feeling of being babied. Jamie hated how people saw him. 'Small' 'Uncapable' 'Too innocent'.
Jamie was more 'optimistic' 'intelligent' 'artistic' and 'careful'. However, everyone refuses to see him as that. From Henrik's constant fear of Jameson being hurt to Chase's mentality of thinking nothing was wrong in his life. Everything was wrong. Everything.

He sat down on the bed, flipping through his diary where every emotion he HAD to keep in was expressed. Mixture of anger, depression and anxiety. They were in written on display. Jameson started to write about his day- being stood up, being treated wrongly. The egos didn't bother asking how he was until that night.

'Why?' The mute thought to himself. 'Why can't I be seen as one of them and not... Some person to be protected. I am my own person. I have my own rights.' He frowned. 'I hope they realise that I have feelings other from joy and pride. I hope.'

Nothing is more dangerous than bottling up unwanted emotions which will only turn you into wrath and greed. Something that would lead to outbursts or spikes of isolation. What was hidden underneath? Something no one would ever understand. It was never to be seen.

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