[JSE EGOS] In the bedroom:

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-WARNING: This does include smut. I have decided to change the rules around, anything with a sensitive topic will be tagged (Like normal). Thank you and I hope you enjoy! (If you read this)-

-If you don't like these types of chapters, feel free to skip or avoid.- :)

-Well, besides being a magician, in the bedroom it can be magic. He's rather passionate and will constantly admire you from above or below. Marvin is a touchy person, he'd often play with you hair and rub any parts of your exposed body. It makes him happy to know that he has a person like you around.
-Marvin would switch between dom and sub, considering his mood that evening/day/night. It would also depend on you, he wants your consent before his.
-As the ego he is, you could say that music would be playing in the background. Marvin had a habit of leaving candles lighten, music on, the curtains open. He wouldn't even realise until you'd have to point it out midway through. Nevertheless, it didn't bother you, it was preferable when you'd both feel more private that exposed to danger or the public.

-He's experienced, obviously, so the pressure to stay calm would most likely be you. It isn't a worry though! Chase is soft and more caring than rough. He prefers to know if you're comfortable than him. Saying that, he'd stop whenever a sound of pain would escape your mouth and check if you're alright.
-Chase can switch between emotions, sometimes being fully active or rather romantic and sloppy. He's the type to stop half way through, just to kiss you passionately for another moment also. You also have to remind him that you are basically on the urge or he'd just leave it there.
-Being dominated isn't suitable for him. After the incidents with Anti, he hates the feeling of being controlled or watched. Chase likes when you are also soft and gentle, it gives him a sign of comfort and reassurance.
-Let's not forget about the unplanned timings. He is something to fall into the moment without realising where you both are. The news would be playing loudly in the background but Chase wouldn't even notice. Of course, hearing about deaths and such isn't the nicest thing during... That session.

-Well, you could only imagine the amount of energy he'd have. His mindset would be 'I don't give a fuck' so... It's a ride or die situation for you. I wouldn't say he was forceful but sadly, the moment you'd agree, there is your clothes gone! Anti is just very possessive and desperate about making you his.
-He acts like a dom, and he is one. Like mentioned before, he plays rough. Anti is into several things but he wouldn't mind if you wanted to stay gentle. However, he'd prefer if sometimes you'd be up for a bit of rough play. That's his nature, after all. He's manic.
-Since he's careless, Anti would be loud and completely ignorant. The amount of times you'd need to shut up him so he wouldn't disturb anyone. No one wants to hear... Noises coming from the bedroom. Trust me.

-Oh man, he's a mixture of emotions. Jackie can be super energetic, he'd go on for ages but in other times, he'd collapse and falls asleep on you. It's adorable, to say the least, and you don't care. Doing the stuff he does, it's understandable when he grows tired.
-Jackie loves to spoil you. He wouldn't leave a chance without making sure you were fully enjoying yourself. You want to be dom? Hell yeah. You want him to be dom? Of course! Jackie doesn't care, whatsoever.
-Compliments and thousands of compliments. Praises and praises. Affection and AFFECTION. He won't give up the chance to hug you. NEVER. Jackie would praise you NO MATTER WHAT. He'd compliment your eyes whenever you kiss. Whether you like it or not, I don't know he'd ever stop.

-Being a doctor, it's surprising at how well he can use his hands. Schneep is a smug type, he'd gently please you but will take forever just so you'd finally break and plead for it. He adores it whenever you ask for him, it makes him feel loved.
-Henrik can be tense so sometimes you take the lead just to calm him. The doctor already has enough to control and watch over, you only want the best for him and he'd gladly take it. He is a sucker for your forehead and neck kisses.
-He loves being hugged in the bedroom. Whenever there's space between you, Henrik is on the move. He needs to be close or it wouldn't be complete. The time spent away from you makes him feel like a burden so Schneep only want to hold you close.

-We all know he's soft and rather innocent so nothing more would happen. You understand that he would rather share cute, romantic moments than steamy, sexual ones. Jamie is a tad nervous so you would also be the one to settle him down.
-Much like Marvin, he is touchy and will play with your hair and stroke your cheek. He's like that though, because of the lack of speech, he uses affection as a way to communicate.
-You need to stay safe and calm because there is no way for Jameson to speak if something is wrong. Nevertheless, it's best if you two keep it calm and simple for now. You both prefer when it's the right time.

-My lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. There's nothing too nasty in here so... I hope my sins aren't in danger. MHAHAA, ANYWAYS. SEE YOU IN THE NEXT CHAPTER, I GUESS?-

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