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"Henrik, it's not like that!" You yelled in dismiss after the doctor assumed you were 'flirting' with another guy. He had his hands holding his glasses, his eyes narrowing to the point of glaring into yours. Henrik's brown hair covered half of his eyes yet he still seemed to be in fury. You held your chin up high, knowing it was nothing but a simple misunderstanding, however, the feeling of Henrik's jealously radiated towards you. It sensed more tension than you wished.

"He gave you the look." He whined, disconnecting his hands from the glasses but kept that glare up. "The look I'd give you before." Henrik took his time to study your confused facial expressions. "The look of desperation and lust."

You went wide-eyed, feeling him step forward so his nose was inches away from yours. The red blush said it all. You were flattered. "But you know I love you, right?" You asked. "And I'd never leave you for anyone."

Henrik breathed out an airy chuckle, nuzzling his face against your neck and nodded. "Of course... But I have my eye out, miss~" His words sent shivers down your spine, earning a cold grasp of his steady hands. It trailed down your hips and squeezed your thighs.
"Whatever you say, doc."

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