[JSE EGOS] Headcanons:

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-Marvin is very superstition and will slap someone if they ever open an umbrella indoors.

-Anti refuses to clean his knives because 'it holds memories of anothers nightmare'. Or just because he likes the edgy look... Bless his heart...

-Jackie loves to dress up as superheroes for Halloween and will literally jump from roof to roof so all the little kids could have a nice experience.

-Henrik plays football and will occasionally go outside and kick it around while on the phone to someone important (probably about his dying patients.)

-Jameson sleeps with socks on.

-Chase loves to watch romcoms and teen movies because it makes him cry. Out of happiness or sadness. Maybe both. He's always sad so-

-Robbie doesn't change clothes so he STINKS. Actual STINKS.

(Sorry for the small chapter, I'll slide some more ideas in soon... Hehe)

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