[JSE EGOS] Leftover dust:

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The hero turned around, seeing the shaken Marvin who held some dirty dishes. "Are you alright?" He said, noticing the black bags underneath the heros eyes.

"Hm." Jackie mused out before his bedroom door slammed shut, causing him to freeze where the image of Chase's lifeless body stood before it. The flashback sent Jackie into a spiral of dry and quiet sobs. Breaking down onto the floor where he held his own hand for comfort, trying so hard but couldn't be able to handle the grief.

Marvin was outside. He was shocked to see Jackie slamming the door in front of him. He knew how hard it has been since Chase's death. The magician spent all night and day screaming into his pillow after failing to connect with his spirit. His voice has been sore for weeks due to the endless screams. Marvin just looked to the ground and sighed deeply, walking past Chase's cornered off bedroom where Jameson sat there. On the bed.

He was flipping through some comic pages, remembering the times where the fatherly ego would point out certain nerf guns he'd want. Jamie smiled at the memory, only averting his sight back to the grey room. His smile dropped. Like always.
'we miss you...' He'd sign towards the picture of Chase with everyone. His attention turned to Henrik- where he'd proudly hold an arm around Chase's shoulder. No one knows where he was. He's been gone ever since Jackie told him about the loss.
Jameson did drop by the hospital, asking if he was attending in which they agreed he was. Whether that made him feel good or bad, knowing Henrik was avoiding them all but happy he was still working.

The house was just made of dust. Nothing has been touched. No one ever sits in the living room or the dining rooms anymore. The bathroom Chase died in was destroyed and cornered away for everyone's sake. The only person who would enter the kitchen was Jameson, he'd actually use the time to make everyone dinner... Sliding the plate outside their door- knowing they wouldn't want to see a familiar face of what looked like Chase's.

It was all leftover dust.
All gone.

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