[JSE EGOS] How the egos kiss:

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//LIGHT SMUT AHEAD?// I don't know man
-If you don't like this stuff, just move on-

Knowing his possessive nature, Anti would most likely trap you in between some sort of surface while enclosing himself against any exposed skin you have. Even if that would be claiming it with his mouth or his hands, he needs to make sure he is all over you- and only him. Anti is very much desperate with his kisses, constantly finding time whether it's in front of people or not. Prepare to be the main one to pull away because this glitch won't.

He's a very handy man due to being a surgeon and he uses the skill to pleasure you in anyway within the intense kiss. Of course he has a soft eye but he does like to be in charge by deepening the kiss in anyway. He also breaks away just to tease you with a small grin but the doctor can't handle being away that long- he just likes to see your reaction before carrying on. Nevertheless, Henrik isn't the one to do it front of people nor kiss you for a long time but no matter how short it is, he always makes it special for you.

He likes feel you play with his hair while pecking your lips a few times before occupying them deeply. Chase looks soft and is soft. He may be a bit too gentle but all you have to do is hold him closely and he'd get the memo. His hands would always be stuffed around your upper waist, enjoying the sensation of being close to you. Chase may seem clingy and desperate, but he knows when you had enough and will stop if it gets too much.

As a classy man who is also a high-key gentleman, Jameson loves to hold you by the hips gently and lean forward so you wouldn't have to lean up. His thumbs would rub small circles while his moustache would carelessly tickle your upper lip every time you go for a kiss but it's the small things that makes you both smile. Jamie would sometimes pause every few moments to press his forehead against yours, resting his eyes with a generous smile upon his flustered face.

Due to being a superhero in nature, he can get a bit too hyperactive within the kiss like going a bit too fast for your pace or generally swings you around too much. Ignoring his energy, the kiss is very loving and affectionate. Jackie loves to rub your back and guide your hands below his own hips as a way to smooth in more- a simple cheeky thing he does to deepen the kiss. His green hair would constantly lay flat on your forehead during these moments but neither of you care that much to be bothered about it.

The magician isn't a very touchy person but he's a sucker for holding your hand and leaning against the wall to stabilise himself when kissing you. Marvin uses one hand to hold your hair back (if it's long) and play with it as a way to calm you both down. This kiss usually happens during the evening hours where you both could just lay in each others arms and allow your lips to connect without any ease. He does, however, mumble in the kiss and compliment you several times just to make sure you know he finds you more than amazing.

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