[JSE EGOS] Henrik's surprise:

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|| REQUESTED BY: @Jay_Potato ||
[.] Very mature for her age.
[.] Plays the piano and loves singing.
[.] Quite shy and introverted.
[.] Looks exactly like Henrik.
[.] Loves baking.
[.] 6 years old
[.] Very close to Henrik and Chase.

"Hello, doctah Schneeplestein." Henrik answered his phone, currently working at his desk. It was a busy day at the hospital, surgeries here and there but mostly signing people in and long phone calls. The typical Friday's afternoon. "Hm, yes. Of course. What time?"

Throughout the constant bafflements within the building- someone under the name of 'Brody' walked in with a little girl by his side. She was rather tall for her age but shy, hiding her face behind her long, golden brown hair. Chase stood at the front desk, asking to see Henrik since it was almost his lunch break.
The doctor doesn't know about the arrival of his daughter. Not yet anyways. Chase thought it would be nice to start his weekend off with a bit of fun, hoping that it would relief Henrik... Even though he hasn't seen his daughter in a while. Chase would need to do some explaining, obviously.

"Does daddy help people get better?" Olivia asked the ego holding her hand, observing her surroundings. "There's lots of people here."

Chase smiled. "Your dad is the best doctor in the world. He helps so many people!" Of course, this made the little girl smile. She loved to hear great things about Schneep. It made her feel proud and inspired to be just like him.

Soon enough, they reached Henrik's office and knocked. Chase held Olivia behind him so she'd be out of sight for the surprise. "Be quiet, remember? We need to surprise him!" He beamed.

The doctor stood up from his desk and walked over, opening the office door where he blinked. "Chase. What are you doing here? Anything wrong?" He asked almost urgently.

"Hey doc! I got a little somethin' for you." The ego in front of him grinned, moving Olivia so she was visible and seen. Her little smile and big, baby blue eyes shining up to her dad. She really admired him.

Henrik gasped. "Olivia! Liebling!" He knelt down and hugged the girl who hugged back. Chase smiled at the sight.

"How did you get her here? I thought she was back with-" "Doc, I spoke to your wife and she agreed." The American ego chuckled. "She said Liv can stay round a bit more."

Schneep couldn't believe what he was hearing. The numbers of months he's been trying to contact his ex about seeing Olivia. It stressed him out... He had to do Christmas alone and missed her 6th birthday. Schneep couldn't be more happy.

"Thank you, Chase! Thank you!" The doctor pulled Chase into the hug, causing him to laugh. The phone was going off but Henrik merely ignored it. Work can wait until Monday.

Olivia giggled, adjusting Hen's glasses which slid down his nose. "Daddy! I learnt more piano!" She gasped with excitement, clapping her hands. Luckily Henrik kept his piano that she used to play on, so when they could arrive home, she can freely do whatever.

"Das ist wunderbar!" Schneep accidently spoke in German, clearing his throat. "That is wonderful- That's what I meant." He chuckled. Liv knows German very well so she didn't notice but Chase seemed a bit confused, soon shrugging it off when he got the translation.

"Can we go home yet? I want to play." Olivia whined sweetly, pulling on his sleeve. "Dadddyyyy, please?"

Henrik nodded with a small smile. "Yes, treasure, let me log off my computer." He struts over, about to turn the PS off when the screen completely sparked out. Chase frowned a bit.

"That's strange." He hummed. "Maybe the lead fell out on the back." Henrik nodded at his suggestion, moving the desk over but all the leads were safety in. "Nein."

Chase followed after, guiding Olivia into the room. "Oh? That's unusual."

"What's wrong, daddy?" His daughter chimed in, standing beside the German doctor who pushed the desk back into it's place. "Is the computer broken?"

"Maybe. I'm not too sure. I'm sure it's fine though." Henrik breathed out, reaching for his bag. Without him noticing, the screen turned glitchy and pixilated.

"Dude." Chase warned him with a stern voice. "Ay, doc." He patted the egos shoulder, forcing him to look at the computer screen. "What the fuck, Hen."

There was no time to speak since the screen exploded within seconds. It sent Liv to the ground as well as Chase but Henrik shield himself over his daughter, protecting her. Whatever that was. It was not a good thing. Not at all...

Olivia started to cry. "Daddy! I'm scared!" She held onto Henrik with her dear life, sobbing into his shoulder.

"Dude, fuckin' let's go!" Chase shrieked when dragging them both out of the room, stumbling down the white hallway while watching Schneep carry his daughter out. "That fucking... GLITCH!"

Henrik growled, holding Liv's head as they ran out. "I'LL FACKING KILL YOU ANTI!"

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