[JSE EGOS] Is he broken?:

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-REQUESTED: @AuthorCici-

Anti casually walked into the kitchen, catching himself a bottle of water and some crackers before eating them peacefully. He seemed calm and rather reserved than his usual self. In the corner was a stern and tense Marvin who's shoulders were stiffed together at the appearance of the glitch, but because no words were being said, he narrowed his eyebrows.

"Are you... Alright?" The magician slowly asked, watching from afar since he still kept his distance. He observed Anti's movements, wondering if this was a joke or not.

"What?" The dark ego responded with a slight tone. "I'm just eating, have you got a fucking problem with that?" He sipped some of the water after comprehending the magician's concern.

Marvin held his breath for a minute. "You are quiet? You didn't terrorise me... When you walked in." He slurred, mixing his mint tea that was sat on the side for a bit. "That's not like you. Not at all."

"Would you prefer me to cut your fingers off?" Anti rolled his eyes, turning his back to leave the room. "Just let me eat, man." With that said, he left Marvin to ponder at the conversation. He didn't understand one bit about the glitch's attitude, he was slightly nervous because Anti was never like this.
The ego paced out of the kitchen, moping around until he knocked on the doctor's office door, waiting to be excused.

"Yah." The sound of Henrik allowing Marvin to come in broke him from his constant speed of thoughts. Marvin always overanalysed things, he was an overthinker. It wasn't everyday he'd be worrying like this though. He wanted answers who something that would explain Anti's mood.

"Hey, doc. You seen Anti this morning?" Marvin straight away said when closing the door behind him. Henrik shook his head in dismiss, obviously interested in that question.

"He seems calm this morning. A few threats here and there but he didn't... Act upon you." Marv's facial features only displayed the concern and panic. "It's fucking weird, I don't like it."

Schneeplestein turned his chair around, facing Marvin. "What do you mean? Is he tired or something?"

"No, tired Anti is the death of us. He seemed more normal, as in..." He found it hard find the words. "He's acting really calm and tolerant. Not like very tolerant but he seems content."

"That doesn't sound like him." Henrik huffed sharply, now rubbing his chin. Marvin nodded in agreement, leaning against the wall and stared off into space.

"I think he's broken." The magician said with a serious voice, now looking at Henrik who smirked slightly. "Seriously. I think he's broken."

The doctor returned to his laptop. "Well, that's something good for us. Not putting up with his shit any longer." He yawned between the words, blinking a few times to readjust the sight again.

"What if he stole some of my potions and drank them?" Marvin giggled. "Now he's completely mortal and normal like us!"

"Oh god, don't give me high hopes." Henrik shook his head with a grin, now typing away to whatever he had to work on.

Soon enough, the door slammed open to reveal a bewildered Chase who gulped largely. Marvin and Henrik snapped their heads round, reaching forward towards the fatherly ego until he blurted something out.
"He just said sorry to me!"

Marvin stuttered in confusion. "W-What? Who?"

"Anti!" Chase breathed out. "I accidently bumped into him and he just said sorry then walked away!"

"Mein gott!" The doctor scoffed, pointing at Marvin who returned the shocked expression. They all stood there in silence, processing what Chase told them.

"He fucking said sorry. Who the he- What happened to him?" Chase spoke to himself, taking off his hat and pressed it against his chest in pity. "Is he planning something? He might murder us!"

Marvin rubbed his face in distress. "I wouldn't care if he did murder me. At least it's getting me away from this!"

Henrik clicked his fingers, unsure on what to do or how to react. He looked towards the collection of clean needles and squinted his eyes. "What if I-" "NO!"
Both Chase and Marv got the message and slapped the doctor's arm.

"We are not going to inject him." The American ego warned. "We'll just... I dunno Wait until something happens?"

"Until what happens?"

They all paused again, approaching the door where Anti stood there. He glared at them all. "What? What's going to happen?"

Henrik launched forward, holding the glitch and stared at him with glassy, insane eyes. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?"

"What? What did I fucking do?!" Anti shouted back, pushing Schneep off him. "I'M TAKING A FEW DAYS TO REST BECAUSE I'M FUCKING EXHAUSTED YOU CUNTS! I'm not fucking 'broken'. I'd kill you but I don't have the ENERGY!"

Chase and Marvin stood back, watching Henrik back away with a frown.
"You weirdo." The magician whispered, earning a middle finger from Anti who stormed out of the room.

"Fucking weirdo." Chase repeated his words. His eyes wouldn't leave the doorway, not until Henrik moved towards his desk and slumped down in his seat.

Marvin rubbed his forehead. "Well, that was... Something?"

"Oh shut up." Schneeplestein groaned, pointing to the door. "Get your arse's out, now."

Chase rolled his eyes, holding onto Marv's arm and left within the moment of the door slamming shut behind them. "Damn, he's lacking caffeine." He smirked.

"HAH!" The magical ego snorted. "Classic eh?"
They soon retreated to their usual routines, avoiding Anti who was keeping himself contained in his room. Thanks to Henrik's outburst, he probably won't leave for a while.

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