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Your POV

"Oh my god (y/n) I can't wait what if we meet Simon" your best friend says getting all excited.

"I know I can't wait and that would be the best birthday present ever" you tell your best friend getting excited with her.

Today was the day you and your best friend where going into London for your 20th birthday and you saw on Twitter Simon was also going to be in London.

"Do you have your sidemen top on" your friend asks you "yep I'm wearing the black and white for Simons colour" you say showing your friend your top that was under your jacket.

"Oh my god same but the purple one" your best friend tells you showing you hers.

"Yes trains here" you shout as you run into the train with you friend not far behind.

"So what are you getting in London" your friend asks you as you take your sets "I want some more shoes and maybe cloths" you tell your friend.

You grab your new phone that you got with your birthday money and plugged your headphone in to listen to your favourite song (f/s) until you fell asleep.

"(y/n) (y/n) wake up where here" you best friend shouted at you. "wait it's been 3 hours already" you asked confused as you grabbed all your stuff to get of the train.

"Let's go" you say as you grabbed your friends hand and run off the train "hey (y/n) where we going first" your friend asked letting go of your hand "em my favourite shop of course (f/s) over there" you say walking over to the shop.

As you finally push past everyone and got into the shop you see Simon shopping with jj.

You stopped dead in your tracks and pointed them out to your friend. "oh my god (f/n) look it's Simon and jj" you say quietly to your friend.

"Oh my god I'm to scared to go over there" you say still looking at them until Simon turned around you quickly picked up a random pear of shoes which where the ones you've always wanted.

You felt someone side So You looked to the right of you to see it was your friend. "There coming over" you friend whispers to you.

"Hi" Simon says "em hi" you say looking up at him "I see you like the sidemen" he says looking at your top "yeah we both do" you say involving your friend.

"Cool so who's your favourite" Simon asks you "well I love all you guys but your my favourite" you say smiling at him. he smiles back at you "its grate to meet a fan, so you two live in London or just a day out" "we came out for my birthday we live in York and I think this is the best birthday I've had meeting you" you tell him just to notice your friend had gone with jj to pay for this shoes.

"Since its your birthday I saw you looking at these black boots do you like them" he asked taking the boot out your hand "yeah but there a lot of money" you tell him.

"So what's your shoe size" he asks you "(s/s)" "oh I never got your name" Simon says stopping in his tracks.

"(Y/n)" you say "that's a pretty name" he says smiling at you, you blush a deep red "thanks"

We got to the check out and Simon payed for the boots. "you didn't have to do that" you say "i did anything for a pretty girl" he says smiling at you.

You blush once again at his compliment. "do you want to get lunch or something" Simon asks you "yeah sure hey where did jj and (f/n) go to" you ask Simon looking around.

"They went to get lunch somewhere jj text me not that long ago telling me and after lunch you can comeback to the sidemen house" Simon tells you "sounds fun but how would be get home" you ask Simon walking to where ever Simon was taking you.

"Don't worry about that" Simon tells you. you just smile back at him and carry on walking.

"Have you ever had shake shack before (y/n) "nope I've seen your video where you had it" you tell him "oh you've love it".

You sit down at a table while Simon orders your food. "thanks Simon" you say digging into your food.

"Are you having a good birthday then" "yep the best birthday I've ever had" you tell him while talking a bit out of your food.

"I know one thing that will make it even better" "what's that" you ask confused.

"Could I borrow your phone a sec" he asks you, you take your phone out and unlock it for him "thanks" he says talking your phone.

All you saw him do was type something on your phone, he gave it back to you and started to eat again.

You looked at your phone to see a new number Simons number to be exact so you text the number with a smiley face.

"Okay that really did just make this day even better" you say trying not to freak out.

"Told you" he says finishing up his food. "I guess we should get going" you say finishing up your food and picking up your bags.

"Yep lets go" Simon says he grabbed your hand and you both walked together, you couldn't stop blushing as Simon had hold of your hand.

"Your friends lucky she gets to ride in a lamborghini and we have to get a taxi back" Simon says "yeah but she doesn't get to share a taxi with you" you say smiling.

Simon just laughed at you and called a taxi over you both get in and get to know each over a little more.

"Hey Simon how are me and (f/n) meant to get home after all this" you ask him "don't worry about that we will take you back to the station in the morning"

"Thanks wait where staying at the sidemen house" you question. "yeah why not it will be fun" Simon says pulling you closer to him you get comfortable and think about what just happen in the last couple of hours.

( I guess people are like these because I've had a couple of votes on my first one so here's the second one for you all and if I don't update on any of my story's it's because I've got exams coming up)

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