Ethan #5 part 1

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Gangster's Life.

Your POV

Always from a young age your parents tell you stay away from bad people like criminals, thugs, gangsters e.c.t. Yet I was the one that ended up with the most famous group of gangsters in London. The Sidemen. Yes they where criminals and did bad things earning dirty money, but they where nice better then most of the friends you had ever had. Lets just say this story is going years back, back when I was at home doing work around the house to earn a small bit of money so I could go out with friends and have fun, that sort of thing. This is the time I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, well that's how it felt at the time.


"Here, I've really needed the help this week so I'm giving you £10 I know how close you are to getting close to getting that Xbox you wanted" My mother smiled at me handing me the money. "Thanks mum, I just need £5 then I can afford it" I spoke thinking of the new Xbox that I had been saving up so what felt like years for. "I'm gonna go down to the bank and put my money in" I say running to grab my bag before leaving the house.

It wasn't a long walk and I was glad to have grabbed my headphones before leaving the house so I could listen to my favourite band. I walked along to the beat of the song walking faster when the song got faster, then slower when the beat got slower. I made it to the bank in no time thanks to the loud beat that was shooting into my ears.

After making it in I saw the long line of people waiting 'Great now I have to wait here for hours' I rolled my eyes as I spoke in my head looking over the people in front to see why it was taking so long, there a older man was auguring about something which made me roll my eyes once again.

No ones POV

Outside the bank parked a large black van and a fancy red sports car just behind it, however no one had noticed how odd this looked. Within the van where 7 young males loading up guns. They where dressed in all black, combat boots with lifts, masks with pinkish purple lights attached to them to mess up the cameras. All in all these guys knew what they where doing and looked to be pro that this stuff. Making themselves taller and making sure the cameras could pick up their faces at all, it wasn't long before they where out the van and crossing the road going straight for the bank.

The bank doors where forcefully opened by the tallest one, kicking the doors open with his gun in hand. He aimed his weapon at one of the young women that was working behind the counter, while the rest of the guys barked orders at the customers that where petrified. The second tallest pushing people to the ground that didn't obey their orders. "No one leaves this place until we are gone, and no funny business"

You had heard what they where saying but you really didn't want to be in this situation right now, so you headed on your hands and knees to the door looking over your shoulder watching the men to make sure they wouldn't see you make a break for it. However you didn't take into count that 7 men had walked in not 6. Getting to the door you looked up seeing a pair of feet come into your view, you gulped following the legs of the person in front of you meeting eyes with one of the shortest ones in the group.

"Where do you think your going pretty" He spoke in a husky voice that sent chills down your spine. He gave you a smirk as he bent down and grabbed your arm firmly but not enough to hurt you. Just as he was going to talk again the rest of his game came from the back of the bank with bags, which you could only assume was money. "Lets Go" one of them spoke running out the door.

"Your coming with me" The one that still had a frim grip on your arm said. He pulled you out the building and towards the fancy looking car. You struggled against his tight grip forcefully trying to dig your heels into the ground to make him stop and let you go. But it never worked he was much more stronger then you. He threw you into the back of the car and took his place in the driver side. The door next to him opened up and the tallest from before jumped into the passengers seat.

"Really, why did you bring her." He asked looking back at you as the shorter guy started the car with a roar. "I think she'll be a good use for us" the shorter guy spoke as he drove off, mean while you had no idea what was going on and you where terrified with what the shorter guy just said.

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