Tobi #5

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"Great what have I done" you say looking in your rearveiw mirror seeing the blue flashing lights telling you to pull over. you did just that pulling up onto the side of the road. winding the window down to see Josh "Well I'm glad its you in a way. What have I done?" you ask him "I need you to step out the car" He said steeping back a little so you could open your door.

"Oh come on Josh you know me" you got out the car shutting the door behind you. "Speeding" He said looking down at you. "Speeding? but I was doing 35 on a 40 road, what do you mean speeding?" You where confused at this point. How can you speed when you are doing under the limit. "Not what this told me" He said showing his speed camera to you.

"Oh come on I know I wasn't speeding, plus your my boyfriends friend you can let me off" You say giving him a sweet smile "Nope, you've been caught speeding, I'm gonna have to give you a ticket" He got out some paper and started righting something. You had never been in trouble with the law before and you didn't want to be and what you couldn't under stand was that you wasn't speeding you where watching your speed making sure you didn't and stayed a bit under so you wouldn't be caught.

"Please Josh, I'll do anything I don't want a ticket on my clean record. Please" You begged him not to give you the ticket. "Anything. Okay say yes to this one question" He said putting his pen and paper back down looking at you.

"Em okay what question is this?" You where a little confused now. But then the one you had loved for 5 years now came around your car smiling at you. "Tobi?" you looked at him. "Wait what I didn't know you where partners" You say becoming more confused "Well just for today we are" He told you.

"But wait what is this question I need to say yes too?" You looked back at Josh "Well Y/N" Tobi started and you looked back at him "Yes?" "Will You Marry Me?" He had a slight blush on his face as he got down on one knee. "Wait what really, I mean I would of said yes anyway" You say smiling at him as he got up to hug you. He pulled the ring out the box and placed it on your left ring finger.

"I knew this ring would suit you" He spoke looking at the new objected that is rapped around your finger, you could help but love the look of it yourself. "Wow, I really thought I was speeding for a second there" You laugh. "Nah you're to good for that" Tobi laughed giving you another hug.

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