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Your POV

Today is the day you get a new student at your school, you had no idea who this new person was but all you new is that there in your form room.

You sat there in form with your two friends and they both sat in front of you so you knew the new person would have to sit next to you.

"Okay class are new student is here" your form teacher says as the new student walked in.

"This is Harry everyone, okay you have to sit next to (y/n) over there" your teacher said pointing to you.

"Hi" he said with a small smile "hi, em do you have someone to show you around" you ask him "no" he said pulling out his time table to show you his classes.

"Hey your in all of my classes" you say smiling "oh really, so you wouldn't mind if I stay with you and your friends" Harry asks you.

"Sure" you say just as your form teacher tells you it's time to go to first class.

Harry's POV

"Hey Harry how was your first day" my father asked "it went grate" I said smiling away "oh have you got a crush already" he asked.

"Kinda" I tell my dad siting at the table with him, he nodded at me to carry on so I did.

"She's the prettiest girl there, she's funny and smart, she has the most beautiful (e/c) eyes, she has (h/l) (h/c) hair" I say looking out of the window day dreaming.

Your POV

"Who's the new person at school then" your mother asks.
"His names Harry and he's really funny and sweet" you say smiling as you put your bag in the table.

"Oh is he handsome" you mother says walking up to you "mum" you say shyly "oh you fancy him don't you" your mum says messing with you.

"No of corse not where just friends" you say grabbing a snack and running to your room.

"Yeah just friends thats probably all where gonna be there's a lot more prettier girls at school he would go for" you tell your self falling on to your bed.

You hear a noise come from your computer it sounded like Skype it could be Harry seen as you have him your Skype name so you could talk through Skype as well as texting.

You get on to your computer to see a message from Harry saying 'hey you got time to video chat with some of my friends' you reply to him and say 'yeah sure'.

Earlier at school Harry told you about his six friends and they all record videos together mainly gaming videos.

That's when a Skype call came through to your computer, you answer it and see him and his six friends.

"Hey (y/n)" Harry says happy and smiling. "Hey" you says shyly "so these are my friends" "Hey" they all say "so this is josh" Harry said and josh waved "this is Simon" simon did the same "Toby, Ethan, jj and vik" they all waved when he said there names.

"And guys this is (y/n)" "so is she your new girlfriend Harry" Simon asked "no where just good friends" you say blushing a little.

"If you say so" Simon said "so I want to ask if you want to come down to London with me to meet all these guys" Harry asks you "yep it will be good fun" josh said.

"I don't see why not but I have to ask my mum" you say getting up to ask your mum.

You run out your room and get to your mums room you knock twice then she answered "mum can u go own yo London with Harry this weekend" you ask your mother hoping she would say yes.

"Yeah just means we don't have to pay for a baby sitter" "wait what you never get me a baby sitter" you say confused "I know but... I doesn't matter you can go".

You say no more to your mum and run off back to your room "guys I'm back I can go" you say exactly "grate you don't mind saying over night do you" vik asks you.

"No that's fine can't wait to see you all" you say.


"I can't wait to get to London" you tell Harry as you take your seats on the train. "Well it's a long train ride I know that" Harry says sitting next to you.

"Well I guess you can tell me a bit about your friends" you say "okay well there all pretty normal guys and there youtubers like me that's about it really"

You both talk for the rest of the train ride to London you both got off the train to see a group of boys messing around.

"Yeah when I said normal guys that's being normal to them" Harry said as you both walked toward them, you laugh at Harry's comment and finally get to the group of boys.

"Hey guys" Harry said to them all "its Harry and his girlfriend" Simon said messing around "where just friends" you say "I think you two would so suit" josh says.

"What are you guys trying to get Harry and (y/n) together now" vik says. "you could say that anyway let's get going I want food" jj says.

"Yeah food sounds good right now" you say walking with Harry at the back of the group.

As you walked with all the guys you started to wonder if you and Harry would ever be more then friends.

"Hey Harry do you think where just gonna be friends" you ask "what do you mean like being more then friends" "I don't know maybe like one day"

"Anyway let's just have fun for the day and think about that a different time" you nod at what Harry said and just carried walking and messing with the others as you walked around town.

(Let me know if you guys want me to carry this Harry imagine on)

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