Josh #2

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Your POV

Today was your best friend Simon minters birthday and you where off down to London for a day out with him and the rest of the sidemen.

You've never really met any of the sidemen only Simon seen as you've grown up with him.

It was ten in the morning and you where on the train going to London to meet Simon it was a long journey so you decided you would go on your phone to check Twitter.

You looked at Twitter and saw a lot of tweets to Simon saying happy birthday you though you would wait until you saw him to say happy birthday.

After the long journey you arrived in London and the first thing you did when you got of the train was to go and find Simon he said he would meet you at the train station but it was a big place.

After ten minutes of searching for Simon and his friends, you gave and just a called him.

You pulled out your phone to find Simons number to only be tapped on the shoulder.

"Hey (y/n)" you heard someone say, but you knew who it was by not even turning around.

"Simon!" You shout turning round to hug him "happy birthday" you say letting go of the hug he just laughed at you.

"So (y/n) these are the rest of the sidemen and guys this is (y/n)" Simon says you wave shyly at them as they said hello.

"So let's go get something to eat" Simon shouts walking next to you as you all make your way out the train station.

All the boys except josh where messing around and shouting, you where laughing at there silliness as you all made it down the street but this time you where walking with josh but the thing was you really did like josh.

You finally arrived at a small restaurant and got a table quick thanks to josh booking one for you all.

You took your sets and you ended up sitting in the middle of josh and Simon.

As you ordered your food you saw Josh write on a little piece of paper, to you it looked like some numbers.

He looks up at you and handed you the piece of paper, you smile at him and take the paper to see his number.

You couldn't believe it at first but josh as in zerkaa just gave you his number.

You couldn't help but smile for the rest of the night knowing that you've just got someone's phone number who you really like and you haven't even probably talked.

You all finished your meals and the boys where now about to head off but the only thing was they weren't gonna leave unless they had you with them.

"Come on (y/n) you can't go home in this dark at lest come back with us" Simon pleaded to you.

"But I don't want to be a hassle I can make it home okay you know" you say as you all made your way out the restaurant.

"I will take you back in the morning come on it will be fun" josh says smiling at you.

"Okay fine" you say as you all headed off to the sidemen house Harry called a taxi to pick you all up.

The ride home was funny seen as you had jj just annoying everyone and messing around.

You arrived at the sidemen house "let's have some fun" jj screamed as we unlocked the door and walked in.

The rest of you followed him in and he was already getting the drinks out.

You say on the sofa next to josh and you both sat in silence for a bit until Simon walked in with drinks and turned the music on.

"Its not a party with out music and drinks now is it" jj says walking in the room.

After ten minutes of you all drinking and having a good time, josh walked over to you.

"I haven't really spoken to you much and I need to explain why" josh says holding your hand and walking out the room with you.

"Okay" you say looking up into this eyes.

"So I didn't talk to you munch because I was to scared to because you're just really pretty and I think I like you" he says looking down.

You smile big and you did the one thing you didn't think you would do and that was kiss your favourite YouTube and the person you've always liked.

He looked shocked at first but kissed back you both break the kiss when you heard some say something.

"Ew get a room" Ethan said walking past you to probably get more drinks.

You both just laugh at watch other and walk back into the room where the party is.

"I knew this was going to be the best day ever" you whisper to josh as he puts his hand around you.

(Not sure how good this was but this is for Tara_Minter )

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