JJ #4

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Long Lost Friends.

You had just moved to the big city London, you where there to start a new life and meet new people as well as getting a job. You where moving in with you best friend seen as you had both wanted to move into a big city and live the city life. Today was also the day you had a job interview at a very big company KSI, they deal with futurist things, you weren't to sure about the company was all about as they didn't tell you much at all.

You had gotten up early, making sure to not wake your best friend up as you started to get ready for the interview, making sure to do your morning routine then grabbing something to eat and making your way out the door. It didn't take you too long to get to the building as it wasn't all that far from your apartment building. Once you got to the building, you stood looking up at the tall building. The nerves had started to kick in that this point, a sickening feeling taking over you. This wasn't the first time you had, had an interview but this would be your first full time job, which was making you feel this sickening feeling.  

After looking at your phone seeing that you had 10 minutes before the interview, you walked in seen as you where always told that being early to an interview, would give you a better chance of getting the job. There where many walking around the building, well more like rushing around as they made there way to where they had to be. Making your way to the desk moving out the way of the rushing people was you made your way there. The women behind the desk smiled at you as you got to the desk. "How may I help you miss?" She spoke with a cheerful voice. "I'm here for an interview at 9AM" You had a small shake in your voice as you spoke to her. She noticed your nervousness and smiled once again "Oh yes Y/L/N?" you nodded at her "You will be seen to very soon and don't worry he is very nice" She had a bright smile making you feel a little more better about the interview, even if you didn't know much about the company and you where going in blind.

You walked over to the waiting area, waiting for someone to come get you. Within a matter of minutes a man not much older then you came up to you saying your name "Miss Y/L/N?" He asked "Yes that me" You tried to sound not so nervous. "Follow me. I'm Simon Minter by the way" He spoke in a formal manner as he walked over to the elevator. "Hope your okay with elevators, because its a lot of stairs if not" He turned to you "No, I'm good" You smiled at him as you both got into the elevator. Simon reached out to press the button for the top floor.

Reaching the top floor it lead straight into a office, a rather large office that looked very futuristic. There was a large door a few feet in front of you, you guessed it was the main office as there was only a small desk at the side with a younger women sat at. "Ah your here, he's waiting for you in there" the younger women spoke while standing up and walking over to the door. Simon stood where he was next to the elevator, you walked over to the women, she opened the door letting you pass into the larger room. "Sir, your 9 o'clock is here" after that she left the room leaving you on your own. The man that was sat in the chair was turned away from you, so you couldn't see his face.

"Miss Y/L/N, it's nice to see you" he spoke in a serous tone as he turned his chair to face you. You couldn't believe it at first when you saw his face, he looked just as shocked as you did. "Thought I recognised the last name" he whispers to himself. "Take a seat" you walked over to the seat that was in front of him on the over side of the black desk.

"Y/N, how longs it been" he speaks a little less formal to you. "A long time JJ" you spoke "Its great to see you again, but are you sure you want this job?" He asked you. "Yes I'm sure, and seems like it wouldn't be too bad anymore if I get my old best friend as my boss" you smiled. "Well even if you are my old best friend, I can't just give you the job" "yeah I know do it fairly"

"Okay well I did look through all your stuff and it seem as if you are good for the job. Everyone else that I have seen already as you are the last one, you seem like the best one for being my very own assistant" he smiled at you.

The interview only lasted a few more minutes of him asking you questions to see if you where really right for the job. "Well I'm glad to say that I would love to give you the job Y/N" you smiled as he said that knowing that you have just got yourself a job with in the first week you where living in London. "Thank you so much, when do I start?" You asked him "next week, be up here 8AM Monday" you stood from the chair as he stood from his. "See you Monday" you spoke. He came round and pulled you into a hug. "It was great to see you again and even better that I'll get to see you nearly every day just like old times" he said to you. "Yeah, just like old times" you both pulled away from the hug and he opened the door for you. Saying your goodbyes you walked to the elevator going to the bottom floor to make your way home to tell your friend about everything about the interview.

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