Vikk #4

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It was just weeks away from prom and you where not only excited to but you also couldn't wait to leave school for good. You where going to prom with your friends because that's how it is, it's not like them teen movies you see where the boys asks the girl to go and then things happen then they get together(that's what my prom was like). But that's not how it is, you and a few of your friends are going Together, yet you wished that your Prince Charming would come to you asking for you to go to prom. But that was only your dreams.

"You ready for dress shopping!" your girl best friend shouted as she causally walked into your house greeting your parents alone the way. "I can't wait" you where just as giddy as she was. "You girls have fun and don't be home to late" your mother tells you just before you walk out the door. You say your goodbyes making your way out the door and to the nearest Dress shop.

"I just want to tell you, if by chance Vikk asks you to prom I want you to go" Y/B/F/N "but what about you and the others" you ask "we'll be fine just if he does I don't want you to mess up the chance because you are worried about leaving us" she smiled back at you. You doubted you would be that lucky but you never know.

Dress shopping was a lot better then you thought it would be, and that was thanks to Y/B/F/N for messing around and trying to get the prices down of the dresses and she actually did a good job of getting a discount.

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She picked out the dress and shoes for you at first you didn't think it would suit you but after getting it on and looking in the mirror, you really liked it

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She picked out the dress and shoes for you at first you didn't think it would suit you but after getting it on and looking in the mirror, you really liked it.


It was only a week before prom now and Vikk still hasn't asked you, at this point you where giving up on hoping for him. You and Vikk have talked with each other quite a lot in the past yet you started to like him, then all of a sudden one day he just stopped. He wouldn't speak to you at all, only maybe to ask to borrow a pen or something like that, you never knew why he did but he just did.

A few days had passed and still no sign of Vikk asking you to prom, yet he has been acting strange around you, he would become flustered around you when he would ask to borrow something.

It was only 2 days before prom and everyone that was going was talking about what car they are going in and what they are wearing. Yes you had just given up hope in Vikk asking you to go with him, you knew this was not a fairy tale or a movie and that it's real life and things like that only happen in movies, and fairly tales. Well that was what you thought until your last lesson of the day that you had with Vikk.

After sitting in class for half an hour, you where bored out of your mind with the teachers words. You looked over to the side to look at your best friend who looked just as bored as you. You looked back about to put your head on the desk when you saw a note on your table that you knew you didn't write. Picking up the piece of paper you unfolded it seeing Vikks hand writing, being curious you read what was on the paper.


Will You Go With Me?


You where shocked making you reread the note he had passed to you. Smiling you slipped the paper over to your best friends desk, she looked at you then at the paper reading it herself. Her face lit up seeing it, she looked over at you and smiled giving you a thumbs up giving the paper back to you. You ripped a piece of paper from your own book writing back to him.

Yes, pick me up at my place at 5.

The end of the lesson came quick, standing up from your chair you placed the paper on his desk as you walked past. You looked back seeing him look at the note and smile. I guess fair tales can come true.

After waking up from your alarm going off you started to get yourself ready for prom. You didn't have school today as you had finished yesterday and didn't have to go back at all. You started by doing your normal morning routine even though it wasn't really morning any more, more like afternoon. After doing your morning routine a knock came at your door, your family wasn't in at the moment so you had to quickly answer the door.

You opened the door to reveal your best friend, "I'm here to give you a new look" you couldn't object to her as she just walked right into your house making her way to your room.

It took her hours to do your new look, you wasn't sure at first how it was going to turn out but after looking in the mirror at her work, you couldn't believe it was you. "Wow, I look amazing, thank you so much Y/B/F/N" "your welcome, now I'm pretty sure he's gonna be here soon and I need to get myself ready" she says as she dashes out your house making her way home to get ready for tonight.

It wasn't long after you had got your dress and heels on when there was a knock on your door. You made your way down the stairs making sure to take it slow so you wouldn't fall in the heels, as you wasn't that good at walking in heels. You opened the door to Vikk dressed up in a suit and tie, behind him was a fancy car.

He smiled at you "you ready to go?" He asked holding out his hand for you to take

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He smiled at you "you ready to go?" He asked holding out his hand for you to take. You take his hand, your hand fit in his hand perfectly like it was all meant to be.

He lead you to the car helping you get in first before he got in himself, he was being a gentleman about the hole thing, that made you fall for him more. "So I guess we need to talk about why I haven't been talking to you" he spoke looking out the window, he seemed nervous. "I just didn't know how to talk to you, as in how I feel about you" he looked over at you this time "I'm listening" you answer. "I....I..I like you Y/N, no I Love you Y/N" a deep blush talking over his face "well I guess that makes two of us" you smiled at him. He didn't say anything he was shocked at you liked him back. He then looked up at you with a small smile, he leaned forward towards you, you started to do the same as it felt right. You met halfway Vikk pressing his lips on your, he smiled into the kiss just before leaving your lips. Your lips felt lonely as his left yours. "Does this make us a thing now" he asked scratching the back of his neck "I guess so" you replied "great" he pecked your lips just before you arrived at prom.

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