Harry #3

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running through the woods was not something you where planning to do on your night out with your friends. "Y/F/N!" you shout hoping they would hear your screams as you stopped for a moment to gather your surroundings "I think I lost him but I also lost my friends great" you say out of breath from running as fast as you could.

"You cant lose me that easy" A male voice spoke behind you 'Oh no, He found me' You think not wanting to turn to look at the male standing a few feet behind you. you close your eyes hoping you would wake up from the nightmare you where living in right now.

but the nightmare was still playing and there was no way of you getting out of this, even if you ran more he would still catch you. Its a cat and mouse chase and there was no way in hell you would be able to win this chase when you are his prey and him the predator "Please" was the only words that would leave your mouth.

"Its too late for that pretty" he says with a hint of humour in this voice as he took a few more steps to you. "I've taken care of your friends its now your turn" He says while grabbing your shoulder to turn you around so you could face him.

You saw the smirk on his face as he came closer as if to see if you where good enough for him. "Do you know what I am" you nodded slowly as a smile came to his face "Are you scared" He said pulling away from you. You didn't say a word to him you just looked down hoping that he would just disappear so you could get on with your life.

"emm okay ill be honest with you here Y/N" you looked shocked at him that he knew your name. "I've been watching you for a long time since you moved here" he says stepping back closer to you. you where shocked and taken back by what he just told you "and I don't want to kill you"

2 weeks later

The memory of what happened two weeks ago still plays in your mind, he let you go and you both went your separate ways well that's why you thought away, you would get flowers everyday from him to try and win you over yet you was not to sure about him yet you didn't even know his name.

The day went on like normal until he showed up. He grabbed your hand and pulled you from where you work "Hey what are you doing" You say angry at him "Look I just cant stay away any more please give me a chance Y/N" he looked into your eyes while speaking he looked in pain like he just needs a friend. "Look I don't even know your name" you say trying to head back to work "Harry... Its harry" he says with hurry in his voice not wanting you to leave him alone. You turned back to him.

"Please give me a chance, I even speared your friends life's. Yes I may be a wolf but I would never hurt you" You where once again taken back by his words. "I will give you a chance" his eyes lit up and he hugged you. "Thank you so much Y/N you will not regret this, can I pick you up at 8" he asked with a big smile "yeah sure" you smile back at him then walked back into work hoping to not be caught by your boss.

"Y/N!" The voice of your boss echoed through the halls of the company you work for. You jumped with the shook of this deep voice calling for you 'great I'm done for' you thought as you turned to meet your bosses death glare. "You are late again Miss Y/L/N!" He shouts making you jump once again, your boss was very handsome but he was also very intimidating "I'm so sorry Mr Minter" you say looking up to meet his eye's that where glaring right into your soul. "This is the third time this week and fifth time this month! Not good enough Y/N if you are late again I will have no choice but you fire you, please don't make me do that you are a great member of the team" He says turning his tone less cold at the end "Yes Mr Minter" you say looking down at your feet. "Good now get to work"

Leaving time---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It was time to leave and you had just under 2 hours to get home and get ready for tonight. after a short walk back to your house you quickly took a shower making sure to take the rest of your make up off that you had on today as well as doing your hair putting fresh make up on and then choosing what to wear for the night.

you put on a short black dress that came down to your knees with some small heels that you could walk in. Just as you slipped on the heels there was a knock your door indicating that someone was at the door, you quickly opened the door reviling a smiling Harry with flowers in his handing. "I didn't know what flowers you like but I got these for you" He tells you handing over the flowers.

"Thank you Harry they are so pretty" you say smiling back at him. you ran back inside to grab a glass to put the flowers in.

"Okay lets go" he says grabbing your hand and pulling you out the door. As you both got to his car he opened the door for you to get in, you smiled at him as you got into the car.

The ride was short as he pulled up to a woods "em why are we here" you asked him while looking out the window at the dark wooded area "Trust me, you'll love it" he says getting out the car and opening the door for you. he closes the car door behind you and grabbed your hand leading you into the scary looking woods.

after a 5 minute walk you walked out into a clear patch to see a camp fire as well as food laid on a blanket. "Wow this is amazing, you did all this?" You asked shocked looking at all the food. "Yep, do you like it?" He asked you. "Yes I love it, thank you so much Harry" You smiled and hugged him.

He smiled at you as you both walked over to the food to start eating.


The food was amazing and you both walked about your life's and got to know each other.

"Thank you so much for tonight Harry it was amazing" you say heading up to your door while he walked with you. "No thank you for saying yes to me Y/N, tonight was amazing" he smiles to you. "So you want to do it again?" you asked him as you got to your door. "I was just about to ask, but we should do this again" he says looking back at you. "Yeah I would like that" "Great ill text you tomorrow" he says giving you a quick kiss on the check and walking away.

You touched you cheek in shock as he walked away from you, you looked back to see him already gone. "Yeah" You say walking back into your house putting your phone and keys on the table in your house while you headed to your room to wash up for the night ready for work in the morning making sure to set your alarm so you're not late for work in the morning.

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