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Your POV

You where on you laptop watching your favourite youtubers like usual they always made you laugh especially when things are bad.

You look at your clock to see its already half past 12 and today you where turning 16 and you knew this was going to be a better and happier birthday because this was the first time you would be spending it with a family member your cousin that you've never met before.

But you've never really met any of your family members before you where just stuck in a orphanage.

You close your laptop down and fall on your bed trying to imagine who your cousin was and what they looked like you also had no idea if they where a man or women all you new is that they live in London.

You carried on trying to think who this person was but you finally fell asleep excited to find out who this mystery person was.

You woke to someone knocking on your door "yes" you says in your morning voice "it's time to get ready (y/n) your cousin will be here very soon for you" one of the staff said outside you door.

You sit up to see the time "half 9 really it's to early" you says falling back onto your bed.

After 5 minutes of laying there you finally got up you already packed all your stuff because of how excited you where all you wanted to do was get out of this place you open you suitcase and take out some fresh cloths and get a quick shower.

You finished in the shower and ran back to your room to make sure you have everything ready to go you placed your pjs that you wore that night in the suitcase and closed it.

All you had to do was quickly put on your make up which was natural looking and you also put your favourite perfume on with was (f/p) to make a good first impression.

After you where all ready you got out your hand bag which used to be your school bag Which you didn't need anymore and placed your laptop charger and phone charger with your make up and some other stuff.

You looked at your room now and felt upset to leave all this behind you hoped your cousin was into gaming seen as you have to now leave your Xbox behind.

Just before you left you quickly put all your Xbox games in a bag hoping that your cousin did have an Xbox or at lest be nice enough to buy you one.

You finally left the room and was about to try and drag all your stuff down to reception when someone shouted your name.

"Hey (Y/n) need some help" he asks you "hey David but you don't have too" you say smiling at him "it's okay I'm happy to see you've found someone from your family" he says looking a little upset.

"I'm sure you'll find someone soon" you say to reassure him he just smiles back at you and helps you with all your stuff you come down the stairs with all you stuff and place it in the hall way ready to go through the door to find out who's taking you home.

"Good luck" David says to you giving you a friendly hug and just before you walk through the doors he hands you a pice of paper and runs off saying nothing else.

You look at the note to see it was his number you smile and place it in your pocket so you could text him later.

You took in a big deep breath and finally walked through the door there stood signing your papers to take you home was your cousin at first you couldn't see his face very well but something inside of you knew him from some where.

"Here she is" the receptionist says smiling at you that when he turned to look at you, you release who he was.

"Hey (y/n)" he says coming over to you, you couldn't believe it, your cousin was jj.

You tried to hide that you where a really big fan just because you wanted to make a good first impression.

"I can't believe it's you" you says really happy, he laughs at you and gives you a big hug.

"So you ready to go" he asks you "yeah" you say really exactly.

He grabs some of your bags and takes you to the car but surprisingly he wasn't in his lambo there was different car with other people in it, but you new exactly who they where.

"So there's a lot you need to learn about me and my friends" jj says to you "okay but first to clear things up I do know your a YouTuber and most of your friends are" you say really excited.

"Well I'm guessing you already do know a lot about us then" he laughs "sort ofI'm still trying to get over that your my cousin".

"Well just get ready for a mad house" he laughs getting to the car. he then takes all your stuff off you and put it in the back.

He then opened the door for you and you sit next to simon.

"Okay guys this is (y/n) be nice and try not to be to weird" jj says to the guys who where in the car.

You sit there in silence thinking this was all a dream at first you where just happy to get out of that place never mind finding out that your cousin is Ksi and now your gonna be living in a house with all the sidemen it was just like a dream to you

That's when you notice everyone getting out the car so you quickly got out to see the sidemen house It was so much bigger then you thought it would be.

"Wait until you see your room" josh says walking you and unlocking the door.

You where still in shock with everything that's just happened and couldn't believe anything that's just gone on with in the past two hours.

"Wake up (y/n) your cousin will be here soon to pick you up" you quickly Joliet up out of bed to see that it was all a dream.

"Okay" you say in a sad voice while getting ready and putting everything that you need in your bag.

You manage to pull you bags to the stairs to hear someone call your name.

"Hey (y/n) let me help you" David says "thanks" you say still a little sad from your dream not coming true "what's up" he asks you.

"Nothing really I just had a really good dream about who my cousin was and I just wish it could be try but It won't be" you says walking down the stairs.

"Was it like a celebrity that was your cousin" he asks you "nope someone so much better" you says reaching the door to the main lobby "here call me and tell me how everything goes latter" he says handing you a pice of paper and running off.

You place the paper in to your pocket and take a deep breath before entering the room and there where 4 guys stood there one of them signing papers.

"Come meet your cousin and his friends (y/n)" you walked over with you stuff to find out who they all where.

"Hey (y/n) I'm jj this is josh, Simon and vik" he says that's when you realize your dream was coming true.

You smiled and hugged jj and the rest of them you knew this was going to be the best thing ever.

(Hey everyone hope you liked this and by the way I have no idea what an orphanage is like)

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