Ethan #5 part 2

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Gangsters Life Part 2.

The ride wasn't as long as you thought it would be and you still had no idea why you where here in this car with two criminals. You didn't speak to them, you where two scared as they both had guns on them and you didn't know if you said the wrong thing or ask too much that they might shot you.

"Come on" The shorter guy spoke dragging you out the car and into a large building that looked quite nice on the outside which surprised you, in your mind you didn't think criminals would own a really posh hide out like this. You stood in amazement looking at the building that's when you felt a push on the mid of your back making you stumble forward "Move" this time it was a different voice not from the shorter one but the taller one that was in the car with you.

you nodded walking forward not wanting to make him more angry. he walked next to you watching your every move which you weren't much of a fan even if he was quite good looking in your eyes. You didn't say a word as you didn't want to die just yet and you knew being good could help you get free quicker. You did as they said walking into their...well you weren't really sure what to call it as it looked like they where living there. "Now what do we do with her?" The tall guy asked as they made you sit on a chair in the middle of their, what you wanted to call a living room. "We could keep her she could be useful to us" The short guy said looking you over. "I'm not a pet" The words slipped from your mouth not meaning too, but the fact that he said 'keep her' was not something you liked. "I never said that" He snapped back at you.

"We cant just keep her, she is right, she isn't a pet Ethan" The taller one said, and now you know his name is Ethan "Well if we let her go she goes and tells on us, and we cant be having that" Ethan said looking back at his friend then to you. "So what do you say love, stay with us and help?" He said "And if I say no?" you needed to know what would happen if you had the chance to say no. would they let you go, or would they kill you. "Say no and goodbye to you" The Ethan guy said. "Then I guess I have to say yes then. But what do I have to do" You really didn't want to do this, leave everyone behind and help criminals. But it was life or death at this point. "Don't worry you don't have to shut guns or anything just be our eyes in the sky and make sure we don't get caught. Sound good" The tall guy told you. "I guess I have no choice so fine" You look at the two boys and their faces started to light up a little. "Great, see told you" Ethan said walking away. "I guess take any room you want that is free and We'll show you what to do tomorrow" The taller one had said before walking away. "But wait, do I not get to see my family again?" You hoped they would let you see your family at least. "No sorry, you cant see them again" And that was that he left you still sat on the chair.

"Hello?" You call out as you walked around the base? is that what this place is? "New girl, whats up" It was that ethan guy. "Em I want to see my family" You asked and you saw the look on his face as you asked that "No can do sweety" "Please I will not tell them if thats what you are worried about" You hoped it would work "Non of us got to do it, and I'm not gonna let you even if you are a girl" You didnt like this at all. All you wanted to do was say goodbye at least as you where not going to see them again. "Fine" You looked down hoping no tears would come. "Look here, you can have his room. You shouldnhave everything you need in there and dont worry we will look after you" Ethan said opening the door to a room that was next to the both of you. The room was big and you knew it wouldnt bee all that bad as you didnt have to be with these two through all hours of the day.

"Can I asked what I have to do for you guys?" You wanted to know what you where getting into. "Computers, you just have to watch out for cops and tell us where we can go to get rid of the cops. Its not hard at all and I know you will be great at it so dont worry" He gave a toothie smile as he finished his sentence. "Okay" And with that he left the room leaving you all to your self.

Weeks had passed and you had become part of this little gang and it was gojng well so far. You and ethan had even become very close to each other. Yet you knew he wanted to be more then friends. "Yo Y/N, So dinner later on?" Ethan asked coming into your own computer base. "Sure" you didnt turn to look at him. You could hear his foot steps behind you and thats when you felt your chair being moved to face him "One more thing" Before you could even ask what he wanted he leaned down his lips brushing agest yours. You knew where this was going and you didnt want to stop him from doing what he wants to do. His lips where soft on yours as he kissed you, the kiss wasnt long but you knew what this meant. "I'll see you later" and with that Ethan had left the room leaving you shocked with what had just happened.

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