Tobi #2

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(Sorry it's a few hours late, I've just been busy with college work and lost track of time.)
Your POV

Today was the day of upload and you were helping out the sidemen to set up, you where going to be selling sidemen merch with Freya and Louis and you couldn't be any more proud of your boyfriend Tobi.

"Hey you wanna play a few games with us" Tobi asked you. "Sure I think we're nearly done here anyway" you say smiling at him.

Hours later and everything was set up and ready for tomorrow the only thing you all had left to do was go back to the hotel to get some rest before the big event.


You got back to the place where the event is going to be at and made sure that everything was definitely done and ready for when the doors open.

"Well not sure if I'll get to see you during the event" Tobi sighs while pulling you into a hug.

"Maybe not be we'll see each other after, just have fun meeting all your fans" you say giving Tobi a big smile.

"The doors are about to be opened make sure you're in the right places" one of the security guards said to us.

"Well looks like I'll see you later (Y/N)" Tobi says placing a kiss on your forehead and running off.

You quickly get behind the stand full of sidemen merchandise next to Freya.

The hours went on both Tobi and Josh stopped by a few times in the day to see us.

It felt like one of the best days of your life due to all the fans coming up to give you things, which was a big surprise because all you are is Tobi's girlfriend that support him, you aren't a big youtuber like all of them are.

You where great full of all the fans wanting pictures and giving you gifts. It was all very overwhelming and you loved every moment of it.

Before you knew it the day was over and you and Freya both had a box full of gifts from all the fans that gave them to you.

"(Y/N)!" Tobi says coming over to hug you. "Think this has been the best day of my life" you say letting go of the hug and showing him then is of things you had got over the hours.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, let's head back to the hotel and look though the box" he says taking the box from your hands, so you didn't have to carry it yourself.

When you both got back to your room, Tobi placed the big brown box onto the white hotel bed and started to take random things.

The first thing he picked out was a A4 book that looked to have pictures of both you and Tobi as well as you with all the sidemen.

It took about an hour to look at every gift and read every letter, but it was the best feeling in the world just looking at what people had gone to the effort of buying and also making just for you.

You could now honestly say that it was the best day that you had ever had.

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