JJ #3

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You and JJ had been friends since secondary school and even after he left school you still stayed by his side and supported him with his YouTube channel. Even though he was always so busy with editing, he still made time to talk to you. In the years JJ's channel got bigger and bigger but he still stayed friends with you even though he became distant with you, but you understood how busy he is. As years went on he got into music and became a rapper bring out his EP. He also asked you to do a song with him as he has always said that you are a good singer but you always disagreed with him.

As time went on he kept on asking you to be in his next EP just one song and finally you agreed to do it as it would make him happy, and you loved to see JJ happy.

"Please, please, please" He begs you over the skype call that you where both sat in as you talked about random things. It wasn't too long until it came up again about me singing in one of his song. "I don't know JJ" you say looking at his expression on your monitor. "Look I will even write the lyrics for you, all you have to do is sing and also a bit of rapping" He says, as his smile grew bigger as he spoke.

"Okay fine ill do it, just for you JJ" you say smiling back at him, you could never say no to his smile. "YES!!!" He screams, jumping around his room with joy "Okay, okay, you can calm down now" you say laughing at him as he carried on jumping around and on his bed falling off the other side.

"Thank you so much Y/N, Ill work on the song right now" He says his smile getting even more bigger (if that was even possible) "Okay, Ill talk to you later" You say as you hover your mouse over the end call button. "Bye Y/N, Ill send you a ruff draft of the song later" "Okay, Bye" you say giving him a last quick smile before pressing the button and ending the call.

You closed your lap top and placed it on the floor next to you, while you grabbed your phone to put your alarm on as you had work in the morning.

A week had passed and JJ had sent you lyrics to learn while he worked on the music side. It wasn't long until you learned the lyrics to the song as you where a quick learner.

It wasn't too long until he had finished the music for the song now all that was left was for the both of you to record your vocals. You where on your way to the sidemen house as it was your day off from work.

As you got to the house you jumped out of your friends car and made your way over to the door standing on the welcome mat, you pressed the door bell and waited for someone to answer.

Within seconds the door opened to a smiling JJ, he embraced you into a hug. You hugged him back, your smile getting bigger. "You ready?" He asks you breaking the hug to look at you. "Yep, lets do this" you say as he grabbed your hand and pulled you to his car.

you both get in the car and headed off to where you where going to record. Truthfully you had mixed emotions right now, you where happy but also nervous about it at the same time as well as excided. you kept thinking about what if his fans don't like you, or don't like your voice. "Hey, you're gonna do great Y/N. Don't worry about it" JJ speaks as he pulls into a parking space. "Yeah, thanks JJ" You say to him the nerves dying down a bit at what he said.

You jump out the car closing the door behind you, as you followed JJ into the studio.

He brought you into a recording room and told you to put the headphones on and just sing the parts you where given.

You grab your phone from your jacket pocket and brought up the lyrics so you didn't get confused with the words. The songs starts and your nerves kick back in again, you felt your breathing hitch in the back of your throat. You closed your eyes trying to just listen to the music and JJ's rapping, as he had already do his parts in the song.

Taking a deep breath as your part soon approaching. You opened your eyes once again and started to sing your heart out, letting the music take over you as you sing the best you can.

You had always loved music and it had always been your escape from the world to calm you down. Your part was over with in seconding, however you where not done just yet. There was another chorus still yet to do, not to mention the rapping part you had so much trouble to learn as you had to rap with JJ in that part. The next chorus came up and you sang once again to the best of your abilities.

It wasn't long before until the rap you had not been so looking forward to doing came up, you took a big deep breath and rapped. The song was over and you couldn't believe you just did a song with your best friend that had been begging you for years to do with him, but you had to admit, it was really fun to do.

JJ came into the recording area and gave you a big smile and hugged you. "You did so good Y/N. Thank you so much for doing this. Would you do it again?" He asked, his eyes shining hoping you would say yes to him. "Of course I would do it again, only if your fans like me and like my voice" You say smiling up at him "Great, I know they will love you" He reply's smiling back down at you.

"Come on lets go get food." JJ says slinging his arm around your shoulder and pulling you out to his car again, as you both head off to get food.

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