Ethan #3

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Today was the day that you where moving out into your very first apartment which was in London, you and a good friend of yours had been saving up for years now and you had finally got the money to buy an apartment together.

You where on the fourth floor of the tower that you are moving into and you and your room mate was trying to get heavy boxes up four flights of stairs which wasn't working out to well.

"Only like 10 more boxes (Y/N) then we are done" your good friend says out of breath while taking another heavy box out of the car to give to you "but don't forget we have to unpack all these boxes and put our beds up" you say while taking the box off your friend.

You got up two flights of stairs and then the box gave out from underneath "just great" you sigh looking at the DVDs coving the floor. "Hey do you need some help" you heard a familiar voice say but you couldn't quite think on where you heard the voice before. "That would be great but you don't have too" you say while looking up to then find out it was Ethan.

He laughed and said "I see your wearing a sidemen hoodie" "yep that I am" you laugh. He came down the stairs to help pick the DVDs up "you don't have to help me I'm sure your busy editing or recording or something like that" you say.

"Nah it's all good I was just gonna head out for a walk but you looked like you needed help" he says. "Oh well thanks for helping" "no problem at all, so which floor you on" he asked while looking up at you. "The fourth floor" you say standing up with as many of the DVDs you could hold at once.

"Really same here, you must be moving in next to me then" he smiles at you grabbing as many of the DVDs as he could carry himself. "Really well I never thought that would happen" you laugh.

You both walked up the stairs to the fourth floor and put all the DVDs into the apartment. "Thanks for this again" you say walking out the door to met with your friend. "Oh this is my friend I'm moving in with" you say giving him your friends name.

Ethan then helped the two of you with all the boxes and then even helping you put up beds and other things like shelfs. The clock turned 9 thirty pm and we had finally finished putting everything together and put everything in the right places.

"Well I think we did a pretty good job" Ethan says standing up from the sofa that we just moved into place. "Well I guess I should be going I've got some videos to record with the guys, it was great meting you guys" he says heading to the door. "Yeah thanks so much for all of this, don't think we would of done it with out you" you say with a big smile on your face. "Your welcome, we should hang out sometime" he says opening the door. "Yeah sounds good I guess we'll see you later" you say siting on the sofa. "Yeah bye guys" he says walking out the door and closing it behind him.

"Well that was an unexpected turn to the day" you friend says falling onto the sofa as well. "Yeah it was but a good unexpected turn to the day" you say with a big smile on your face.

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